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Last night I revived a phone call, telling me that I was to attend a urgent meeting at the newspaper company. It was now time for said meeting. I dressed up a bit today. My yellow sweater and tie, khakis, and some of my better shoes. I thought I looked pretty handsome. "Come along, Snowy." I said and motioned to the door.

As I walked out I saw Abigale. She was wearing a much more proper dress. It was a pale blue and it was all the way to her calfs. She was wearing a pink cardigan with as well. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail but it was still curly. She looked kind of stressed. She grabbed a satchel, a new one by the looks of it, and rushed down stairs.

"I wonder where she is headed to in such a hurry?" I asked Snowy. He growled in response. I huffed. "I know it's not my business, I was just curious." I said defending myself.
We walked down the stairs a lot calmer than Abigal did.

When we got out of the door, I hailed us a cabbie "To Le Petit Vingti." I told him.

It was a long and quiet drive. The driver was one of those non polite give me my money now, type of driver. I paid the fee and hopped out. I walked a bit more fast pace now, It felt as if it were getting colder. "I wish I had grabbed my coat." I mumbled. I made way into the building and sigh of relief left my mouth as the warmth engulfed me.

I walked to the front desk and the lady me pointed me to the office we were to meet at. I knocked and heard a 'come in'. I opened the door and saw a strange sight. Abigale. She looked a little disappointment that I was the one at the door.

"Mr. Tintin, please sit and our meeting can begin." Our boss spoke. I did as I was told. "Now, Tintin your works are great! Simply thrilling." He told me.
"Thank you sir." I said with a smile. "But, what if we had photographs of the action while it was happening. This is were Miss Abigale comes in. Her photographs are simply astounding! You two would make a good team" He added. Great there is always a catch.

Abigale smiled, "I'm glad you like my photos, but are you sure Mr.Tintin needs help. His works are very captivating even with out photography." You could tell she was trying to dig her way out of this, but once our boss has his mind set it is impossible to change.

"Now I know you've both had solo careers up until this point, but I have a good feeling you two will make a good team. Get to know each other. You may have more in common than you think." He told us.

I looked at Abigale and she looked at me. We both gave each other the 'I'll try it if you try it look.'. I looked back to our boss. "We would be honored to work together." I said. With that the meeting was over. I let Abigale out first and walked out, closing the door behind me.

"Okay, do we have a plan on how this is going to work or...?" Abigale asked.
"I could take you for some coffee and scones." I suggested. Not like a date, just to get to know each other.
"Little early for getting comfy isn't it?" She joked with a smirk. I could feel my cheeks getting red and hot.
"Just for friendly matters." I said. Now I was one trying to dig myself out of a sticky situation.

"Oh I know what kind of friendly you mean." She said joking again. You could tell she was trying her best not to laugh.
"Stop it, you know what I mean." I said deciding I was already in to deep.

"Coffee would be lovely, Tintin." She said with a soft smile.

The Reporter and The PhotographerWhere stories live. Discover now