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"Tintin please hurry!" Abigale said beating on a rusted door. She looked horrible. She had a black eye and busted lip. Then the loading of a gun was heard. Her head whipped in the direction of the sound. She looked around frantically, like she knew what was about to happen. "Tintin,please, come save me." She wailed. She started to cry. "Please." She begged in a whisper.

I wanted to yell, but nothing came out. I wanted to tell her I was there, but I couldn't say a single word. Then the gun with off and hit Abigale in the back. You could here her gurgle and cough. "No!" I finally managed. I ran to here side. "Abi... Abigale... Can you hear me?" I asked. I doubt she could have even replied, she was choking on her own blood.


I woke up in a cold sweat. Apparently I had woken up Snowy with all of my tossing and turning. "Sorry boy, bad dream." I said apologetically. I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep the entire night. I was to worried about Abigale. I was completely furious with myself for letting her be bait.

But there was nothing I could do about it now. Thompson and Thomson said it had to be 24 hours before they could do anything. She might not have 24 hours, for all I know she's already dead.

I decided I couldn't think those thoughts. I sat up and stretch. "Go back to sleep, Snowy. I'll be back In a little while." I instructed. I scratched behind his ear to tell him it's okay. I placed my bare feet on the cold floor.

I made my way to the study. I Switched on the light and saw it. The rose pin. I picked it up in my hands. "Gosh, I must be the biggest idiot on this side of the Atlantic Ocean!" I said to myself. I rubbed my thumb over the ruffles. If she were here, I'd know what she'd say.

"Please, get over yourself. You made one mistake.. You're human, what can you do?"

I sighed, as I knew that weird voice in my head was right. Then it hit me. I may be human, but I know someone with a great sense of smell. "Alright, Tintin. You are back in the game. You will find them, you will write the best article of your life." I pep talked myself.
There was one thing I had to do before I went to sleep.

Surprisingly Abigale's door was unlocked. "Strange." I whispered then it caught my eye. An envelope on the floor with my name on it. My first thought was that the kidnappers left it, but as I inspected it closer I realized that it was quite girly cursive. I opened the letter with caution.

Dearest Tintin,

If you have some how found this in a waste-bin somewhere, then you know that I'm okay, you may once again discard the letter. If you have found this on the floor to my apartment, then I am so sorry. It was in my intentions all along for this to happen. You are not the only one who can get on the inside...
Worry not though, because as you know already that I may be a bit feisty and do not take lightly to being ordered around or murdered. I promise you that I will be fine.
But if I'm not, as there always is a slight chance that I might not come back... I want you to get over yourself and move on. Whatever happens is not your fault.
I want to thank you, for being so persistent, not many people have given me a second glance. Thank you for being a loyal friend. This will make one hell of a story.

- (Abi)gale

I took a deep in take of breath. "If they don't kill you, I will." I said angrily. I folded the letter and put it in the pocket of my pajamas. I looked around, her flat had a very similar layout to mine. She still hadn't unpacked everything... And her flat wasn't the cleanest. I went to the back door.

Once I pushed the door open I knew I had the right place. There on the bed was the black béret. "Bingo." I smiled. You could tell she had worn the hat a lot, so with Snowy's sniffer, we were bound to find her.

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