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The wait was unbearable. Apparently Charles had put in a good word about me and now there were men starting fights over me. When I moved to Brussels this is not what I expected my stay to be like. I paced back and forth.
"Abigale, dear, calm down. It happens to all of us." Lilian said softly. Rose looked between us. "None of this was supposed to happen." Rose said sadly. I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, my first date ended with my hair getting chopped off... Oh and I was kidnapped. I had imagined he would have dropped me off at my flat, we would have said some awkward good byes... He might have said 'I told you so'. Then the next day we would start back at square one." I said fantasizing about what could have been.

"That boy of yours sounds lovely. You two must be a lovely couple." Lilian said. I blushed madly. "Oh no. We are defiantly not a couple, I've known him for a month, maybe?... Half of it has been spent in this pit." I said protectively. They just rolled there eyes. I sighed heavily. "The truth is... I've never seen him do all of the stuff I've told you or Oscar. I've just read it in the newspapers." I confessed.

They both looked at me with sympathy written across their faces. "You lied to protect yourself. You did good." Rose said. I bowed my head, acknowledging her comment. "I promise to get us out of here cross me heart." I said and then did a plus sign over my chest.

That's when he came in. He had the most devilish smirk and smelled of alcohol. That was my cue. I flipped my hair, and gave him a smirk. This was gonna be fun.


Waiting at this point was was pure madness. The number of things that could be happening was infinite, and with infinite problems come infinite out comes. I should be out there saving the day, not waiting for a cue. "Five more minutes, and then I'm going." I told Snowy.

I couldn't take it any more I bolted out the door and headed to Baker Street.

As soon as I got there I could hear the men laughing and joking. "Oi, did you see what the twist with the funny hair did to Bertram! Hah! He needed stitches for sure." A Scottish man laughed. "Yah, now that's my kind of woman."  Another bellowed. Some how I knew they were talking about Abigale. I put on her black beret to hide the quiff. I knew I'd most likely be killed if I was found out. I was also wearing my coat, so I'd blend in with the crowd. I took a deep breath and entered.



I let him take off my clothes. It was the worst thing I have ever experienced. All of his grabbing and moaning; it took every fiber in my body not to fight back. But once he started taking off his clothes, the real fun began.

I swung once and he was out like a light bulb, though I think I may have broken my hand. I notice I had busted my knuckles. I picked up his shirt,pants, and hat. I searched his coat and to my surprise was a gun. "Galloping horses, how lucky am I." I gleamed. I quickly got dressed, and smiled.

I hadn't had a good shower or access to make up for weeks, I defiantly looked like a man. I stuck the gun in my coat pocket. Then I stuck all my hair in the cap. "Alrighty, it's time show him what us ladies are made of."

Before I left I did one little bit of revenge. I dressed knock out man in my clothes. And let's say it was not a good look for him.

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