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I started to my ideas ready. This story was going to be good, but I was unsure about having a partner. Snowy was good enough.

Abigale was a lot different than a dog. She had spirit, not that Snowy doesn't, she was... Well just different. It was good different though. She wasn't like normal girls. She was outspoken, daring, and when she wanted something she took it.

I had just sat down when the phone rang. I got up and rushed to it, and Snowy was right at my heels. "Hello?" I asked slightly confused. I wasn't expecting any phone calls, so this was unusual.

"Hey there Tintin." Abigale said, a hit of worry coated her voice.
"Abigale, are you alright?" I asked.
"For the most part.. Could you come down to the police station? Ya know for Thompson and Thomson. They really need your help." She lied, and quite badly might I add.
"I'm serious, what's wrong?" I asked a bit more forcefully.
"I may have gotten... How do I put this delicately... Um.. Arrested." She said and embarrassment flooded her voice.
"I'll be there as soon as I can." I told her.
Thomson and Thompson weren't surprised to see me. "Ah, Tintin, Miss Dougless is expecting you." Thompson said. "Yes, why you we don't know. We said strictly family." Thomson added. I nodded. "Tell me what exactly did she do?" I asked. They looked at each other and back to me. "She stole a camera off a young man. We expect she is the one who stole the other girls camera." They said.

I mentally face-palmed myself. "That was her camera, she was just taking back what was rightfully hers." I explained. They're faces widened. "Oh dear.. We didn't know... She tried to... Oh we'll go get her." Thomson said with a slit blush of embarrassment.

A few moments later Abigale came out and looked at me with her sad blue eyes. "Hey..." She mumbled. "Come on you cold, hard criminal let's get you home." I said with a small smile. She knit her brows together. "I grew up on a farm, I could throw you." She said annoyed.
I laughed. "Oh my goodness, prison changed you." I joked. I saw a small smile creep along her face.

"I see no camera." I said trying to strike up a conversation. "Yes well, they gave it back to the scum who stole it. I should have let him pawn it.. I could have bought it back." She said. "Or you could have go to the police.." I suggested. She looked up at me and she nodded in defeat. "That probably would have worked better than stealing." She said.

"Why did you call me?" I asked. "Your the only person I could think of. My entire family is a whole continent away, not like they would have helped anyway." She explained. I looked at her sadly. I draped my arm over her shoulder and pulled her close. "This is suppose to be a hug, but we're walking so..." I said awkwardly. She laughed.

"So, Mr.Tintin are you trying to make a move?" Abigale asked. I felt my cheeks grow warm. "No, I'm just trying to be a supporting friend." I defended. "Is that why your face looks Like a tomato?" She asked jokingly. "Oi, I bailed you out of jail. No dirty jokes ." I said looking down at her. She huffed, "You're going to hold that over my head forever."

"Oh you are a clever girl." I said with a smirk.

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