lonely days

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Early 2021...

Sitting here in my living room in my house... The house I bought with my wife... We've only been here for ten years but still... This was our house... But something in side of me... I needed to get out of this marriage... Not to hurt anyone but it just wasn't there anymore... The love I had once for her was gone... I felt bad expressing myself to Fran but she's the one who got me to open up more... She was the love of my life but she's my best friend still... But we choose to me friends for the kids, well their not kids anymore... 19, 21 &23

Since then... I slowly gathered my belongings and music, guitars and everything else I owned... I decided to give Fran the house... I don't need big spaces, I'll be just fine in a 3 bed room condo, which I were to hope it will have a finished basement, so I can play music.

Luckily I still have my band... The band I started with Lars, I was 18 and he was 17, his birth day is in December, so figure... I've known Lars for 41 years... That's long enough to be married to someone, Anyways... He's my best friend, even though he does some crazy crap, he's the first person besides Fran, to tell me that what I need to hear, even though I'm stubborn... I'm not afraid to show my emotions but some times I don't know what to say...

I know my life won't be over but this will be a new chapter in my life... As long as I have Metallica and my great fans... Nothing can go wrong. And I don't see this as a failed marriage, I see it as, two people that was once in love, not any more and has more priorities in life...

And let's talk about my cars, on second thought... I should be getting a small house with a big garage... That sounds way better...

I'm sorry (A James Hetfield story)Where stories live. Discover now