this life

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Maybe I should go for a drive... But first turn this tv off and turn off the lights and I don't care if it 9 o clock at night... I stood up and closed the blinds to all of the living room windows... Grabbed my keys and oh no...

"Hi James..." Oh God...

"Hi Fran..." I forcefully smiled at her.

"Going somewhere?" I looked down for a moment and thought to myself.

"Yeah I was going for a drive." She flushed.

"To..." Why does she care now?

"Clear my head and I need to go..." Ugh...

"Please don't go, let's talk, I love you." Why?!...

"Fran..." I counted to ten to myself.

"Why can't we just talk, I want to know why."
You just don't understand, it's complicated.

"You know why, I told you a few times." Ok... now she's about to burst into tears.

"Well I'm sorry I fell in love with a rock star, who I thought was different..." Well ok.

"Let's not do this now, I've said what I said many times, I still love you but now I'm a different way, we've grown apart and well... I need to move on." There I said it!

"You have your music!, What do I have?, Nothing." Good god she's yelling, time to leave.

"It's a good thing you took your guitars!, I would of smashed them all..." She was still yelling at me, when I walked out the door, I couldn't help but put some Motorhead on my car stereo, Lemmy was a cool dude.

I drove down across town to a lost town, I've never even heard of... Applewood, reminds me of food or something... Haha.

Wonder what Lars is up to... Time to call him.


"Hej!" great Lars is speaking Danish...

"Hi Lars!, What's going on?" What's that sound?

"ikke noget!" What?!... Sometimes I just wish he would speak English here... Whatever!

"What?!..." I was frustrated as heck.

"I said... Nothing ok, nothing at all, jeez, we've known each other for 41 years and you still haven't picked up one word of my language." I face palmed myself and laughed out loud.

"I don't have time to go online and translate every dam word you speak... Haha." Lars laughed too with me, he would never be mad.

"So what's going on Het?" Dam I hate that.

"Wanted to take a drive and call you, I saw Fran and Ieft... She's still mad at me." Lars ticked.

"Don't mind her, you will find some one who's more... You know." What?!... Ok.

"I need to find a place quick, so I'll see you later on Saturday." Lars sighed and I sighed too.

"Ok later James." I started my car again and hung my phone up, I drove around to city to city, not looking for anyone or anything... Just quiet.

I'm sorry (A James Hetfield story)Where stories live. Discover now