Chapter 7

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The girls head hurt her, pounded against her skull. It all made sense, the marriage arrangement. The Queen wanted one of Rheanyras children on her side so she could prevent a war from breaking out.

Daenerys was a leverage, if things did go south, she would be held prisoner in kings landing. No doubt the king did wish for the marriage but if Alicent didn't agree to it, it wouldn't of happened, she clearly saw how it would benefit her in the future.

Daenerys stormed out of that library faster than her feet could carry her, Aemond attempted to go after her but his drunk brother needed more attention that she did.

"Princess Haelena, May I enter ?" The young girl sat while her children played on the floor, mumbling between themselves.

"I apologise for the unannounced visit-"

"The sapphire must chose a side." Daenerys was stunned by the princesses words, unsure as to what it meant, but she knew what Haelena was like so she listened intently.

"Red or green, what will it be." The girl before her chanted over and over again, for a moment, Danny assumed she was talking about her, she had a dragon named sapphire, hence it made sense.

"Princess Haelena." Daenerys placed a hand on the girls shoulder, snapping her out of the trance she was in. The girl exclaimed welcoming Daenerys, pulling her arm down to seat beside her.

"Oh dear, I heard the wonderful news that you shall marry my brother, I always wanted a sister."

"Princess I'm sorry but I was wondering if-"

"Aemond is such a kind and cunning gentleman, you are ever so lucky." Daenerys watched as the princess went on about her brother, she only stopped when she noticed the look Danny had on her face.

"I'm sorry, please continue."

"Your husband, he is to be king. Did you know ?"

"The gods tossed a coin." Daenerys head spun, with the mount of new information she stumbled out of the girls chambers, quickly pacing down the corridors into her own chamber.

Shutting the door behind her, she leaned her back against it, as if somebody was to barge through it. She tried to think of a way how to get to her mother without causing chaos, a way to get word across. But she knew better than to send a letter, the Queen would be keeping a close on them.

Healenas words were ringing in her ears, the sapphire must choose a side. If it was about herself, she would not doubt always chose her mother. The gods tossed a coin, as the stories go, whenever a Targaryen is born the gods toss a coin in debate who will be sane and who will be crazy. It was obvious what side Eagon had been blessed with.

Instead sleep took her captive, shutting the girl off for one night. In her deep slumber she was unable to hear the door to the secret passageway sliding open, a cloaked figure strolling around her bed.

Watching the girl sleep peacefully, sprawled out on her bedsheets, her white nightgown leaving little to the imagination. The man went through an internal battle whether he should wake the girl, taking in the sight before him. But he went ahead placing a Hand over the girls mouth, who's eyes quickly shot open, attempting to scramble away from the perpetrator.

When Daenerys vision adjusted to the darkness, she was able to make out long white hair and an face with a eye patch standing over her, a finger to his lips gesturing for her to be quite. She nodded in understanding, his hand sliding off her face slowly.

"You said you were looking for something to excite you, come on then." Daenerys couldn't let on how impressed she was with Aemond, catching the cloak he threw at her.

They stood before the door of the passageway, a slight breeze blew threw her cloak. Taking a deep breath she began walking behind the boy, keeping up a steady pace. Through many twists and turns they ended up on the streets of Kings Landing.

The girl glanced at the boy who towered over her, but he didn't share her look, instead he kept his focus straight ahead of them, taking a hold of her hand in his to lead her through the crowds. Once they entered an dark establishment, he let the girl enter first.

"You speak of my unholy doings, why don't I show you what exactly I do during my night." The boy stood behind her, pressing his body against her urging her to keep going, deeper down the stairs.

Daenerys gasped at the sight of bare, naked bodies moulding into each other. Moans of pleasure and distant music filled her ears as she tried to take in the sights before her. The girl tilted her head up, still feeling the presence of the prince behind her, his hand on her waist.

"You were right."

"About ?"

"Mother would be beyond embarrassed if she knew of the things I'd been up to. She'd have my head if she knew I brought you here." His warmth suddenly disappeared, turning her whole body around she glanced around the room trying to find him.

The girl cursed herself for trusting him, letting him take her here. A girl of her rank and innocence should not even step foot inside a place like this, but when a woman approached she suddenly felt at ease.

The woman pulled down her hood, making her white hair fall around her shoulders. The woman's touch was soft, brushing her hair aside, she leaned to her neck, planting soft kisses on Daenerys skin. Then a man approached them, younger, he first placed his hand on the woman. The two probably sensing Danny was reserved and nervous, constantly passing glances around the room searching for the man she came with.

Suddenly she locked eyes with him, he leaned against a wall in the darkness, watching every move she was making and others were making on her. Daenerys decided to play into his games, letting the unknown man in front of her place his hands on her, around the back of her neck, placing his lips on hers. Though she didn't close her eyes to the act, she kept her eyes locked with Aemond while she kissed another man.

But as soon as the man's fingers began gliding over the strings of her clothes, Aemond disappeared into the shadows with a swift movement. The girl stood there, between the man and the woman who were fumbling with the fabric that covered her bare body.

Cold fingers wrapped around her wrist, thrusting her body back to hit against a hard chest. Aemond held a tight grip on Daenerys neck, tilting her head to look him in the eye. His clock was now off, along with his tunic, all that covered him was a sheer loose shirt that was half buttoned open.

"Nobody, will lay a finger on you, but me." Daenerys wouldn't give him the satisfaction that speaking in high valeryan tongue made her knees weak, she almost appreciated the tight grip he had around her neck.

Aemonds breath fanned her face, he was breathless, the way he watched her with others made him jealous, a different kind of fury and excitement rushed through his veins.

His hands slid down her arms, to the back of her thighs to lift the girl up, letting her to wrap her legs around his waist. The prince carried them across the room, through the sheer curtains where it was just them two. 

Daenerys back pressed against a cold stone wall, still being held up by Aemond they're eye contact never broke once. And he didn't seem to have a issue holding up her weight, instead flickers of emotions danced across his features as he internally struggled with controlling himself around the girl.

But the girl was impatient, tired of waiting, her body burned for his touch. So she slid her hand to the back of his neck, pulling herself up into him to let their lips meet. It was enough for the prince to loose the last bit of self control he had, letting the hunger take over.

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