Chapter 2

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"Clear the room." Otto hightowers voice boomed against the walls of the great hall, the crowd of people flowing cautiously through the large double door.

Daenerys remained standing in her place, ignoring the burning stare from the young man standing to her side. She could hear whispers from her brothers standing behind her, surprised as everyone else to have learned about their sister.

"How could this be, how is this possible ?" Queen Alicent exclaimed, waving her hands around her towards the young girl, towards the king himself.

"It's alright, my Queen." The king wave his hand in dismissal, coughing into his handkerchief. Though that hadn't satisfied the queen, Daenerys could see the fury in her eyes as Daemon and Rhaenyra stepped up by the side of their daughter, placing a protective hand on her shoulders.

"You knew about this ?" Queen Alicent scoffed towards her husband, realising why he was the only one not surprised by the young girls arrival.

"Why are you here, child ? Why now ?"

"I do believe my mother needed support during this delicate matter, perhaps I consider myself a valuable asset." The white haired girl was beyond beautiful, sharp features, an eye colour mixture of blue and purple.

Queen Alicent studied her carefully, the young girl held herself so strongly, gracefully. She looked like her mother a great deal.

"How is this possible, you got married a mere six years ago ?"

"Yes, well the night I had been conceived is rather unfortunate."

"Shouldn't your parents speak on that matter ?" The girl smirked at the hands remark, she glanced at her father who placed his hand on her lower back, leading her back to her brothers as her mother took the stand.

As the story goes, a story that had been whispered through the walls of the castle is that Rhaenyra and Daemon snuck out one night, finding themselves in a brothel. Enjoying themselves that night, Daemon though refused to let himself get carried away and left the young girl.

She then returned to the castle grounds, seducing ser cole of the knights watch. Nothing more than one night of fun before she bethrode sir laenor valeryan.

But a part of that story is missing, Daemon did leave that night but not before taking Rhaenyra's innocence. Though the happenings with ser cole did go ahead, Rhaenyra was a menace and a loose cannon for one night.

After the questioning by her father, a small vile of liquid had been send to her chambers, one she didn't consume hence the birth of Daenerys. At first it was difficult for the young princess to know who the child belonged to but once she was born, her thick set of white hair made it rather obvious.

That night, they were all called upon for dinner. The whole family reunited for a dinner, everybody putting their differences aside.

"Daenerys where did you reside all these years ?" The young girl was seated between princess Haelena and prince Aemond, the boy whome watched her carefully.

"The north my lord, with the house of stark."

"It was you wasn't it ? Last night, on your dragon." Danny turned her gaze towards her uncle, one who had a patch covering one eye.

She heard the story of him, it was her brother who cut it right out for mistreating the other daughter of Daemon. As far as her concern was, the boy deserved to loose an eye.

"Yes, my Prince." The young girl smirked, holding the eye contact with the boy sitting before her. She was mere three years older than him but he seemed very mature for his age.

Daenerys wasn't a person to be involved or the centre of attention, she preferred to stand in the shadows and observe. Which is what she attempted to do during this dinner, watching as her brother jace invited princess haelena to dance.

Though the girl found herself bored very quickly, the night had yet been uneventful. She tried bonding with the princess haelena, dancing with her after Jacerys went back to take a seat by his soon to be wife.

Daenerys knew she was being watched, she could feel the burn of everyone's stares into her back. Ones more strongly than others, though her uncle Aemond appeared uninterested, she had his full interest.

The girls uncle aegon whispered something to her brothers soon to be wife, Jace suddenly banging his fist against the table. A string of toasts had been made, sly and rather sarcastic.

But it was after Aemonds toast that punches began being thrown between the young boys, acting like they were children again.

"That is enough." Daenerys spoke out, her voice laced with authority watching as her father stepped between her and Jace, she held her hand to Aemonds chest, unaware of the action until she caught the stares from Queen Alicent.

"I find it rather amusing that you  are questioning my brothers legitimacy solely based on rumours and the colour of their hair. Your mother has dark hair, I don't see any of her children sharing the same resemblance." Daenerys was bold and witty, quickly earning respect from her family but unfortunately stepping on the wrong side of the Hightowers.

"Tell me, why is my mother constantly been doubted all this years when uncle aegons illegimate off springs are running through the streets of Kings Landing ? Is it because he's a man and she's a woman ?" Aegon sunk into the shadows, being the topic of discussion he didn't seem to brave anymore.

"How do you know this ?"

"Nobody knowing about my existence worked in my favour, your highness. I did mention I am here as a valuable asset with valuable information." Daenerys shared many physical similarities with her mother, but personality wise she was her fathers daughter.

In the moments that she spoke, Aemond was unable to keep his cold composure and instead kept his eye trained on the girl that stood by his side. The place where her hand rested against his chest still burned from her touch, he almost wanted to lean into her again.

Daemon Targaryen watched intently, it had been a long time since he had seen his daughter in person. His wife, Rhaenyra attempted to step forward and interfere the interaction but was held back by her husband who was rather entertained and proud by the scene unfolding before him.

"That is enough, everybody back to your chambers." Daenerys smiled sweetly at the Queen, who was beyond herself throwing deadly stares to her eldest son.

Daenerys was escorted back to her chambers by her brothers, who were more than eager to get to know their sister. The maids were already waiting for the young girl with a warm bath, helping her loosen the ties and corsets of her dress.

The young girl excused them once she had stepped into her bath, the servants bowing down to a curtsy before exiting from her room. Though when she reentered her room, a silk robe covering her body, droplets of water staining the expensive material, she was surprised to feel a breeze coming through the walls.

Scanning her room, she noticed a secret door that opened in the walls which hadn't been there before.

""I could feed you to my dragon for the way you spoke to my mother, the queen. I would consider you are very reckless."

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