Chapter 17

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Aemond sat in the cold, stone cell. Hearing distant footsteps approaching him, the guards being excused to leave their post from guarding the Prince. Daemon Targaryen appeared on the other side of the bars, a rather stone look in his eye.
Aemond didn't dare to speak, knowing it might do more damage than good. Though he understood why Daemon might believe harm came to his daughter.

"Why did my daughter send you to deliver the message, instead of waiting to return herself ?"

"She was worried it might cause an outbreak of a war."

"I fear my daughters worries were right." Aemonds eyebrows furrowed together, not understanding as to what exactly daemon was getting at.

"I fly to kings landing when the sun rises." Suddenly the Prince understood, daemon was going avenging his daughter. A child for a child.

"I might not stand by my sisters side regarding the throne, but I do not stand by my brother Eagons either. However, I will always stand by Daenerys." Aemond tried to diffuse the situation, however he saw the familiarity between himself and Daemon, knowing he would be reacting the same way.

Daenerys was running out of time, though she didn't know this as she lay under the dragons wing for one night, it's warm body preventing her from freezing in the night. When she awoke before the crack of dawn, the noticed silver wing took Vermithors place beside their rider, the previously injured dragon hunting for breakfast.

"I'm glad to see you recovered." Daenerys spoke in valerian tongue, scratching her dragons head while he nuzzled into her.

Daenerys gazed out into the horizon, the morning sun kissing her skin. It was time for her make her journey home, though she wasn't the only one preparing for their journey ahead.

"Daemon I must persist that this is a haste decision, Daenerys will return soon." Rheanyra walked with her husband towards his dragon, making her last attempts to stop him.

"If by any miracle she does return, you better tell her to hurry to kings landing." Rheanyra watched as daemon took to the skies, disappearing in the clouds above her.

Daenerys did return, riding in on silverwing with Vermithor flying below them to cover the dragons weak spot, afraid of something happening like it did to him days prior. The girl marched into the hall where her mother stood by the painted table with her brothers and Lord corlys.

"Daenerys." Lucerys exclaimed running to embrace his sister, the fear within him worrying he heard his sisters death seemingly washed away upon first glance at her.

"As pleased as I am to see you, we don't have much time. Released the Prince."

"Release ? What is going on, where is father ?"

"Though your intentions were correct, unfortunately your father is as stubborn as you. He imprisoned Prince Aemond upon his arrival, setting out for kings landing just mere hours ago."

"I send Aemond to prevent this from happening." Daenerys rubbed her hands across her face, frustrated at the events that occurred, hoping she was to avoid this.

Heavy footsteps approached them, the girl turning her body to face the two guards that held tightly to Aemonds arms. His face showed instant relief to see her alive and well, standing before them. The guards let go of their hold on him, his feet carrying him straight to his wife, pulling her in for an embrace.

Rheanyra watched the couple before her, resting their foreheads against each other, daenerys hands placed on his chest as he held her waist tightly.

"I'm afraid I must break this reunion short, you two have a journey ahead of you." Daenerys nodded, turning on her heels and storming out of the castle, Aemond following closely behind knowing what this meant.

Daenerys mounted sapphire, praising the she dragon for carrying her brother home safely. Daemon had a couple hours head start, but Sarrax was no match for Sapphire, who sped through the skies with unimaginable speed.

Daemon would never admit but he flew rather slow, something within him making him rethink it all. But it wasn't long before kings landing came into sight and he braced himself for the fight ahead. But the whistling in the air made him grab a tight hold on the reigns of his dragon, glancing above him to find the source.

A dragon flying past arrax made the dragon halt his wings, flapping them above him to stop himself, almost knocking his rider down. Daemon recognised the dragon to be sapphire with his daughter on her back.

"Father, turn back to dragon stone." Daenerys called out to her father, circling around him in an attempt to stop him from flying any further.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that, child. That whore of a queen killed my brother and placed her drunken son on the throne."

"What do you want to do, burn hundreds of people alive ?"

"Thousands if I have to."

"I cannot let you do that, mother is against this violence."

"Then join me, they will have no chance against our dragons. Your mother will never be strong enough to make these kinds of decisions." Daenerys knew there was no talking her father down and she didn't know how to stop him.

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