Chapter 8

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She knows mother, she knows about Eagons coronation. I can feel her slipping away..
Do what you need to do, make her stay and on our side. Whatever it takes.

"Why the sudden rush, your highness ?" Queen Alicent appeared in Daenerys chambers with a excessive amount of maids and servants carrying different boxes.

"It is the kings wish, to see his sons engagement before his final day." Alicent knew the child would obey her grandfathers wishes, but the urgency lay elsewhere.

Not discussing the matter any further, Daenerys left the maids to their jobs. Scrubbing her body clean, braiding her hair, pulling the finest white gown with golden threads and laces on the girl. Though Danny didn't take much notice to the pulling and tugging all the maids were doing, her mind and focus was else wear, still reminiscing on the night prior.

The girl found it hard to shake of the feeling he gave her, the way his touch lingered, she should swear she still smell his scent on her pillows this morning. Her body ached and burned when he left, begging for more. Even though she knew there was more behind their interaction, she wanted to pretend for a moment that he took her because he wanted to, not because he was doing whatever it takes to make sure her loyalty lies with him.

Daenerys found herself having an internal battle, to play stupid for the queen and go ahead with this engagement but not having her mother and father around was difficult, for it was supposed to be a joyous day.

The celebrations were to be held in the great hall, leading out into the gardens. Hundreds of people gathered to catch a glimpse of a Royal Wedding and the king for one last time.

"Daenerys Aemma Targaryen, heir to Rheanyra and Daemon Targaryen." The kings hand, Ottos voice boomed across the great hall, the buzzing and whispering of the people suddenly stopped as they awaited for the large wooden doors to be pulled open and reveal the young girl.

Daenerys stood tall and proud, her head held high with her hands folded by her stomach. Long white hair cascaded down her back with several braids running through it. The white and gold gown trailed behind her as her shoes clicked against the floors as she walked down towards her family.

Aemond stood lazily at the head of the table, watching the girl he was to be married to, walk slowly towards him. His cold, hard gaze softened upon the sight of her, her beauty wasn't something he could ignore.

Stepping down to his soon to be, he held out his hand for her to take and lead her to her seat. The great hall remained quite this whole time, nobody was able to mutter up a sound upon seeing the daughter of Rheanyra for the first time. The girl heard it all her life, she stunned everybody with her looks.

Though Queen Alicent tried to hide it, the jealousy was clear in her eyes. Once the couple had been seated, she waved the musicians to continue with their playing, many returning to their conversing the buzz beginning again.

Aemond and Daenerys didn't utter a word to eachother, simply sat stiffly in their chairs beside Aegon and Haelena who was seemingly in her own world. The pair hadn't seen each other since their happenings of the previous night.

"If I had known you were an option for a wife, I would of fought harder against marrying Haelena." Aegon was already drunk with the celebrations only begun, no doubt he had been drinking since the morning.

"You are a fool to disrespect your wife like such, you should consider yourself lucky." Daenerys spoke dryly, not meeting her uncles drunken gaze to give him the satisfaction.

"You know, Aemond wished to be married to Haelena when we were children. He was rather disappointed when mother wed her to me." Daenerys tilted her head ever so slightly, enough to be able to see both of the brothers. But her fiancé was gazing straight ahead, clenching his jaw in anger he attempted to control.

"Sometimes I think she loves him more than me, always running to him. Even the children like him more."

"I wonder why." Daenerys muttered, continuing to stare ahead at the crowd before her. But it was soon that her mind began working and pieces started connecting.

The girl was so drawn into her own head she hadn't noticed Aemond and his mother exchanging glances, silently urging her son to take his beloved to dance. Daenerys didn't even know herself how she appeared on the floor, with Aemonds hand in hers.

"Is there something wrong, my betrothed ?" Aemond spoke in valeryan to the girl, not wanting anyone to understand what was about to come out of her mouth.

"The walls and shadows have been whispering to me." Aemond simply hummed in response, thinking the girls ridiculous comments were simply to entertain his curiosity.

The whispers didn't speak of the unholy places Aemond had been going to, the meaning behind them was something much deeper.

"I wonder does the queen herself know Haelenas children aren't Aegons." His attention quickly snapped to the girl, suddenly taking her serious.

"I would thread lightly on such vile accusation." Aemonds grip tightened around waist and hand, feeling ever so slightly crushed by his grip she tried to step away without causing a scene but he just clenched her harder against his body.

"Or what ? You will feed me to your dragon ?"

"I am trying to keep you alive, Daenerys." She scoffed at his remark, thinking she needed protection.

"You feel nothing for me, you are simply trying to keep your mother happy. If she thinks Aegons rise to the throne will be simple, she is mistaken." Daenerys pulled away, beginning to walk away from the great hall but she felt her body being tugged, her back slamming against Aemond who wrapped his arms around, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"You know nothing of how I feel towards you." To everyone surrounding them, watching them it appeared as though they were a new couple having enjoying each other's company.

"Then why don't you take me to dragon stone right now and marry me ? Instead you await for your mothers signal to suit her needs, tie me down in an attempt to stop a war." Daenerys knew if anyone heard her words, she would be dealing with a lot more consequences than a raging Aemond.

"Why don't you take what you want and what's rightfully yours ?"

"Because I already took what I wanted last night." He smirked at the girl below him, her eyes glow purple with rage as her chest rose rapidly.

Daenerys pulled herself away, walking out of the great hall in frustration. Aemond glanced at his mother, who nodded at him to follow the girl. His long hair moved with the breeze, his feet stomped heavily on the floors as he appeared to be on a mission.

"Do not walk away from me when spoken to." Aemond pulled her arm back causing the girl to spin around, coming to face him.

"Excuse me, Princess." Two guards came forward to the pair, clearly uncomfortable with the interruption.

"What is it."

"Several of the farmers have been complaining of a dragon consuming their live stock. Is it perhaps time to lead your dragon to the pits ?" Daenerys yanked her arm back from the princes grip, running her palms over her dress to smooth it out.

"Come to me in the mornings, I will send them gold for their losses. Inform them my dragon and I won't be any trouble for much longer. We'll be leaving soon."

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