Chapter 3

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"Uncle Aemond, I was hoping you'd been raised better than Prince Aegon. It does seem improper to be sneaking into a young lady's chambers at night." Daenerys felt exposed, improper for a man to see her in night clothes, anyone but her husband should lay eyes upon such.

Though her uncles eye didn't wonder, not that she had seen. Instead he sat on the window, gazing out into the midnight sky filled with stars and the moon.

"You're behaviour tonight displayed anything but lady like." She was taken back by the man's remark, he wasn't at all how she expected him to be. But he wasn't an heir to the throne, he had nothing to prove.

"Where is it, your dragon ?" Aemond had made a name for himself by claiming the largest dragon Kings Landing had ever seen, that was until the arrival of Daenerys.

"Sapphire, flying close by I'm sure."

"Call her." His voice had been demandive, but the young girl wasn't one to take well to demands. She tilted her head in curiosity, watching him as his eye fixated on the skies.

But she found it rather entertaining, sensing the prince was jealous of the dragon beating the size of his own. The girl strode past him, onto the balcony, her sweet clean smell filling his senses as she walked by, his judgment clouded for a brief moment, his eye lingering over her body.

Aemond listened to the girl, who quietly hummed a soft melody her eyes lifted to the skies. Sapphire, she whispered into the night that was ever so still. Danearys found her feet listening onto the stone bannister, standing at the edge she waited.

Aemond stood up, feeling a large lump in his throat. Surely, she wasn't going to jump ? But one step forward has the boy flinging his body forwards, his arm stretching out in an attempt to grab the girl.

Just as fast as she disappeared, a forceful gush of wind knocked the prince back, a great black beast rushing into the skies above his head. He stood in astonishment, studying the dragon now up close he could see the hint of green speckles on its scales. She flew back down, steadying it's body before him, wings slowly flapping to reveal the young girl on its back.

The great beast tilted to its side, the edge of its wing hitting off balcony. The girl was rather pleased with herself, she hadn't expected the oh so ever cold hearted prince to care enough.

"Jump, if you dare." She beckoned her dragon to fly lower, giving Aemond an easier way on. He smirked, enjoying the thrill and excitment rushing through his veins.

The boy threw his legs over the bannister, the gush of air quickly passing through his cloak Landing on the beast rather gracefully, Daenerys grabbed his arm to help him position his legs on either side of the dragons back.

Aemond thought how the dragon was magnificent, not just it's size but colouring. It was greater much greater than his own dragon, but the black and green speckles were unique, one of its kind.

"I think you better hold on, sōvēs sapphire." Danny didn't offer a moment for the boy to adjust himself, before encouraging the dragon to shoot forward to the moon.

"Hold onto me." The girls voice rang out, feeling Eamond struggling to keep afloat. Her hand wrapped around the back of her, lacing her fingers around his arm pulling it around her waist.

"This is far from being proper towards a young lady." He leaned his chin on her shoulder, his lips briefly brushing against her ear.

Neither of them ever had company that excited them that much, the lords and maids were never ones to race on their dragons or do anything such that raised their adrenaline.

"Dracarys." Aemond was fascinated at the sight before him, a thick green cloud of flames shot out from the dragons jaws. This was a night of many firsts, being beyond stunned at what was before his eyes.

"Daenerys Targaryen you are a menace." The prince hasn't laughed or enjoyed himself this much in one night than he has in years.

The girls dragon hovered above the roof of the castle, Danny urging the boy to slide off on the wing of the beast, encouraging him to follow her suit. He took a mental note to learn these tricks and begin practising them with his own vhagar.

Aemond snuck the girl back inside her chamber through the secret passage ways, the girl finally learning how he got inside her chambers to begin with.

"Goodnight, Prince Aemond."

"Farewell, Princess Daenerys."

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