Chapter 4

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"It seems rather a haste decision, to leave this quickly mother." The young girl stood in her mothers chambers, watching the maids quickly pack up all her families belongings.

Her father, Daemon sat slumped in a chair watching his daughter carefully. The girl stood tall, with her shoulders back and her hands folded by her stomach. Though he rarely saw his daughter for her own protection, he was proud of the young woman she became.

"Your highness." Everyone curtesies as Queen Alicent enters the room, her eyes gliding around the room before landing on Daenerys.

"Your highness, I was just persuading my mother to stay for another night." Whenever the girl met Alicents eyes, the queen always stared at her with curiosity yet she was cautious.

"Your daughter is right, the king would be very disappointed to see you leave this soon." Alicent made her way to Rhaenyra, holding their hands together. The stories Danny had heard about the queen didn't match the one that stood before her.

This woman had purple bags under her eyes, her face soft with emotion. It was clear the final days of the King had been paying a big toll on Alicent.

"I will see the boys home and perhaps return on dragon back-"

"If I may, interrupt. May I suggest my dear brothers to stay for another day. It would be my pleasure to get to know them more."

"Yes, wonderful idea. I will ensure that my boys behave. Besides, I believe Aemond has found a new interest." Alicent whole heartedly agreed with the young girl, making it known that nothing goes on in the castle grounds without her knowing.

Rheanyra and Alicent excused themselves leaving Danny to go about her own doings, making her way to her brothers chambers. Jace and Lucerys were the eldest, then there were three more youngsters and one on the way.

The three made their way into the courtyard, where combat training had been taking place. Lucerys was clearly on edge, the return to Kings landing hadn't been doing him justice. Though the boys didn't mention any specifics, not that they needed to as the young girl had eyes and ears everywhere, it was clear her brothers and uncles had unfinished business.

"Nephews, niece. Are you coming to join us ?" A flash of white hair swiftly moved through the crowd, making himself visible to the trio. Jace and Luke were unsure of themselves, but their sister wasn't one to be intimated.

Daenerys split them into two groups, whoever was left fought each other. Ser Cristian cole, aemond, Jace and another lord began in one group. While Danny took Luke with her. The lords and other by watchers were appalled at a girl in the fighting yard.

Jacerys fought swiftly, but no matter how good he was it meant nothing when Cole and Aemond put all their attention to him, making it two on one.

"The trick is to not be afraid of them, your smaller and faster, use that to your advantage."

"But did you see what they did to Jace-"

"Don't worry about that brother, we each keep one distracted. Trust your instincts." The girl tried to guide her younger brother, Lucerys. He was timid, but he knew how to fight.

"Have you changed your mind yet, dear niece ? Afraid of getting hurt ?" Aemond Targaryen was a cocky prince, but he had more discipline than his older brother Aegon. It was clear that his training was intense and took it rather seriously.

"You're lucky I'm in my riding gear and not in a dress." The two siblings stepped in the middle of the ring, opposite of the prince and ser cole.

"Take our uncle, he has a blind spot." Danny whispered into her brother ear, walking past him to swap sides.

"Ser Cristen Cole, pleasure to meet you. I have heard a lot." He scolded at her, an expression of disgust dancing on his features.

"I wish I could say the same, princess." The sound of metal clashing against each other rang in their ears, the girl glanced at the two fighting beside her, ser cole taking his chance to swing at her while she was distracted.

"I could have your tongue for that, whatever would the king think of the way you speak to his first granddaughter."

Though she quickly moved her feet to the side, making the knight stumble forward not expecting to meet emptiness. Cole glared at the girl when the watchers began mumbling and giggling, but she just smirked back. The more she dodged his blows and attacks, the more she fought back the more it angered him.

"I thought you were an honourable knight, ser cole. Not one to fight dirty."

"No one fights honourable on the battle field."

"Last time I checked, we were in the courtyard of kings landing." Daenerys was keeping a close eye and her brother and Aemond, she felt a hint of proudness that the smaller boy was able to keep up.

Daenerys was tired of the games, jolting back and forth she decided to finish the knight in front of her. She watched as he swung his arms above his head, possibly having the same idea as her. But he revealed his belly, a weak spot. Danny swiftly shoved her foot into his stomach, knocking him back ever so slightly before swinging her foot under his, his back hitting the ground with a loud thud. She held the sword to his neck, signalling the end of the match.

"It is a curtesy to help your opponent up after a match."

"Your opponent won't help you in the battle field." She ignored the hand he held out, catching a glimpse of Lucerys laying on the ground, Aemond ready to swing his sword to him.

The girl ran quickly, landing on her knees to glide on the ground, swinging her sword from her left side to meet her uncles sword half way. The metal bending against the clash, the two opponents eyes locking together.

"Get out, Luke." Daenerys spoke breathlessly, the boy frozen underneath the intertwined swords above him, quickly scrambling away.

The girl used her leg to force her uncle away, standing back in her two feet against him. They walked in a circle, Danny mirroring Aemonds every move from his twirling the sword between his hand to his footsteps. He noticed this, being able to predict your opponents movement and their fighting style was difficult but she seemed to master it flawlessly.

"You should of stayed on my side, uncle."

"I like to be on the winning side."

"We'll see about that." Neither of them knew then and there, but this statement would relate to both of their futures when their loyalties would be tested.

Daenerys feet glided in the ground as if she walked on air, she was fast but nothing Aemond couldn't keep up with. More people had gathered to watch them duel, it was almost like watching a dance the way their bodies moved.

Aemond roughly twisted their swords together, making the girl loose grip on the handle, it flew across the ground. He took this as her weak opportunity but she ducked his blow, running under his arm to grab a shield. Turning in the last second, Aemonds sword dug into the wood, pulling it out harshly Daenerys pushed the shield into her uncle with force.

But he wrapped his hand on the edge, ripping it off the girl throwing it away. Aemonds fingers laced around the girls arm pulling her up to him, placing his sword against her neck.

"I win." Aemonds chest rose heavily, catching his breath. Though the girl didn't even flinch, the sharp metal digging into her skin until a smirk played on her face.

"Are you sure about that ?" Her eyes quickly darted down, it wasn't until then he felt the tip of a dagger was being pressed against his lower stomach.

His cold, hard stare suddenly softened in surprise. The pair stood frozen in time, holding each other's eye contact. Until cheers and claps erupted around them, the two broke apart, landing back in reality.

Daenerys bowed gracefully, turning to her brothers who cheered the loudest for their sister. The girl glanced up to the second floor, where her parents stood with the Queen and Otto Hightower.

The girl wished for the image of her parents to be forever etched into memory, she had never seen anyone look at her with such great proudness and joy.

She even missed the glances Alicent and Otto were sharing, a new plan already twisting and turning in work.

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