Chapter 11

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Daenerys stormed through kings landing, through the passageways back to her chambers. Aemond didn't walk with her but followed close behind, even though she was angry with him, he wasn't going to allow the girl walk the streets by herself. He'd never forgive himself if something had happened to her.

Aemond would of done anything for his family, he didn't think twice about suggesting to go look for his brother when his mother became desperate. But when Daenerys pleaded with him to let Eagon go, it was the first time he was reconsidering everything.

The look she had in her eyes, it would of melted him right then and there, he would of done anything in the world for her. But it wasn't his time yet, this was only the beginning of his tests.

The Prince even followed her through the dark secret passageways, watching the door close shut heavily. He stood outside it, wondering whether he should enter or not. Daenerys sensed him still waiting outside, everything in her body begged him to open it and come back to her but her mind knew better.

Daenerys waited for almost an hour before reentering the passageways again, making her way quickly to go see princess rheanys who had been locked away to her chambers.

"Princess Rheanys, please accept my apology on not coming to you sooner to formally introduce myself. But this is an urgent matter." The princess was surprised to see the girl emerge from the walls, standing at the windows gazing out into the courtyard.

"The king is dead, isn't he ?"

"Yes and the hightowers are planning to put Aegon on the throne. I need you to get a message to my mother."

"Why don't you return yourself ?" Daenerys stood quietly, staring the woman before her. She wondered that herself, nothing is stopping her from leaving.

"Aemond and I married, I have some matters to tend to."

"I didn't think of Alicent to be foolish enough to think a marriage will bind your loyalties to the green." Daenerys smiled, walking Princess Rheanys through her plan in getting her out of the red keep, with a carriage waiting outside to take them both into the dragon pits to retrieve her dragon, melleys.

Daenerys stood in the shadows of the dragon pit, listening to the chants and cheers of people in kings landing, celebrating the coronation of their new king. But the celebrating was short lived when Princess Rheanys burst through the floor boards with her dragon, melleys letting out a rumbling roar as her warning to the greens before quickly flying away.

"Who let princess rheanys out of her chambers ?" Otto Hightower began shouting at the guards, who were meant to be guarding the princess from leaving her room.

"I did." Daenerys appeared behind them, smirking at the family before her.

"Take her to the dungeons, chain her until she learns to respect her husbands family."

"Mother !" Aemond exclaimed, lunging forward to his wife only to be stopped by the guards. He watched as his wife got chains put around her wrists, walking her down to the cells under the dragon pit.

Daenerys thought about how they regret bringing her down here later in the evening, doing exactly what she had wanted. Aemond pleaded with his mother, the kings hand, everyone that he could. In that moment he regretted not listening to Daenerys, but it was too late to realise that she had been right all along and his mother was wronged to think she was ever going to betray her mother.

"What do you mean, Aegon got crowned king ? Where is my daughter ?" Princess rheanys was greeted by Rheanyras council, the now soon to be queen and husband stood in the hall in dragon's stone.

Princess Rheanys did as she was asked, delivery a message to Rheanyra and showing her support for the woman. Even through their differences, Rheanys knew what the green were doing was wrong.

When the night fell, Daenerys began humming a melody to herself, sitting on the cold stone ground. The guards outside her cell turned to themselves, but taking no more notice of the girls doing. Though they would soon regret it, when roars and stomps through the caves, so great the ground beneath them began to shake.

Daenerys smiled to herself, waiting for her two companions making their way to their new rider. She was pleased with herself, removing their chains just a day prior. The screams of the guards and shepards echoed through the walls, as they ran quickly before they became a dinner for the two dragons.

Vermithor and silverwing broke the gates of Daenerys cell, letting her freely walk out of the dragons pits with the two dragons roaring by her side. The cool breeze brushed passed Daenerys, as she watched the night skies for Sapphire, her target straight ahead of her.

Once mounting her dragon, she and the two others flew over kings landing, the people below her frightened as they witnessed history unfold before them. As she neared closer to the castle, she could already make out the sounds of ringing bells, a warning to those inside that danger was heading their way.

The three dragons circled the castle, watching the guards run out to the court yard with the swords, thinking they could defend themselves against the great beasts. Daenerys waited until she saw the family run out, staring above them to make out who was coming to them. Aemond immediately recognised Sapphire and its rider on her back.

"Impossible, she bonded with three dragons." The dragon landed in the courtyard, while the other two landed on the roofs behind them, still making themselves close enough. The three dragons roared and screamed, showing they were ready to defend their rider if needed.

"I stand before you as a final warning, you do not want to start a war Alicent, you're smarter than this." Sapphire lifted her wing to reveal Daenerys, walking towards them with a proposition.

"It was king Viserys dying wish to have Eagon on the iron throne." Daenerys scoffed, thinking this woman would believe anything that her simple mind formed.

Without another word, she turned to mount her dragon again. Daenerys knew there no talking them out of it, there was no point in wasting her time any long. She looked down, watching Aemond struggle from the hold of his mother, stepping forward towards the girl.

"Your sisters vision wasn't about me, it was about you. The sapphire must chose a side." Daenerys shouted down to Aemond who stood helplessly, debating what he should do.

"Red or green, what's it going to be ?" With one flap of Sapphires wings, she lifted off the ground and into the night sky.

"Daenerys Targaryen, you menace." Aemond called out to her, catching her attention their eyes locking as she rose to the skies. The girl let a laugh, glancing over her shoulder with her hair flowing in the wind. For a moment he swore he saw flames dancing in her eyes.

Daenerys knew what he meant, it was what he said to her the first night they met.

The three dragons roared their goodbyes to the castle, blowing out rays of fire on their way out, showing the greens what they were coming up against.

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