Chapter 21

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Daenerys couldn't remember the flight home, her head thumped against her skull, throbbing roughly. Rheanyra, her mother worried when her two children didn't arrive with the others, staring out across the ocean awaiting their arrival.

But as soon as the dragons came into view, Rheanyra got a horrible feeling in her gut, this sinking feeling she couldn't explain.

They came to greet their children at the bridge, where the dragons often landed. As they walked down, they spotted arrax hovering above daenerys who had already unmounted, holding out her arms for the dragon to drop something into them.

Daenerys walked across the bridge, even from afar you could see the puffiness in her eyes, her face sunken. The girl dropped to her knees, unable to continue her journey anymore from mental exhaustion, the pain was too much for her to handle.

She will never forget her mothers cries and screams, when she realised what her daughter was carrying. Daemon wrapped an arm around his wife, holding her up as her body gave up on her.

Brandon's face twisted together in pain, stepping towards the girl. He knelt before her, offering his arms out to take the body off her but she only pulled him back in tighter.

"You don't have to carry this pain anymore, Danny." With a heavy Breath, the girl let go of her brother, his body sliding into Brandon's arms.

The second she let him go, her body felt numb. She no longer felt anything, just the aching tightness in her chest made it hard for her to breath.

"Alert the velaryon fleet, send ravens to winter fell and eeyri." Daenerys demanded breathlessly, pushing herself up from the cold stone ground as she watched Brandon disappear into the castle.

"I burned the streets of kings landing, it's time to prepared for a war." Her father stared at her in proudness, seeing the same burning fire in her eyes that he feels, proud that she took action against those who wronged them.

Daenerys stood at the painted table, her hands leaning against it as she listened to everyone debating how the battle should go ahead. Her mother, stood by the fire place, lost in her own mind.

"We will show our front and request Aegon to be punished for his crimes, if they won't give him up we will go in full forces." Daenerys decided to take the lead, knowing her father would rather slaughter the whole of kings landing.

"Aemond, Healena and the children shall not be touched." Daenerys glared at her father, she wasn't pleased with him after finding out that the move into the red keep that night wasn't permitted by her mothers behalf.

"We have to burn him." Rheanyra suddenly spoke, still gazing into space. Daenerys went to her side, placing a hand on her mothers shoulder.

"We'll send him off onto the sea, so he burns like a Targaryen but returns to sea like a velaryon." Daenerys nodded towards ser corlys and Princess rheanys, who accepted her kind gesture.

Rheanyra was glad to have her daughter, who took care of the important duties while she grieved her child. The queen was having a hard time, struggling to find her footing and pushing her emotions aside, but she lost two children and a father in a short amount of time.

Later in the evening, daenerys retrieved to her chambers, the funeral took a toll on her, she could still see her brothers pained eyes every time she closed her own, her own screams and cries echoing in her mind. Jacerys wouldn't speak with her or anyone for that matter, nothing pure rage and anger taking over his body.

Daenerys mind was so clouded and lost in her own thought, that she didn't hear her name being called and a visitor entering her chambers. Brandon placed his hand on her shoulder, startling her back to reality.

"A letter came for you." The girl glanced down at the letter he held, marked with a dragon, from kings landing. Daenerys looked back up at Brandon, she hated the way people looked at her now, full of sorrow and pity.

"You don't to pretend with me, Princess. You can scream, cry, hit me anything but don't shut yourself off."

"I'm keeping that for the battle field." Daenerys avoided eye contact with the boy, fumbling with the envelope to reveal its words.

But the young stark lord knew the princess better than anyone, growing up with her all their lives. He remembered the days when she had been informed her family won't be coming to see her, when she was very young she cried but as years went on she learned to keep her emotions hidden.

But as time went on, he remembered watching the emotions switch off in her eyes, before she'd walk away with her head held high. But as soon as the door to her chambers closed, he'd hear her sobbing and crying until she fell asleep.

Brandon watched the girl reading the letter in her hands, his eyes scanned her face the way her eyebrows furrowed together. Suddenly her eyes glossed over, when she sucked in a sharp breath holding her hand over her chest. Brandon recognised the signs in the princess, stretching out his arms to hold her own.

But the day took its toll on the young Daenerys, her body crumbling under her friends comfort. Brandon gasped in surprise, quickly catching the girl, pulling her tightly into his body as they sat on the floor.

"Your husband should be here." His hand brushed her hair, letting her sob into his chest. Though she didn't hear the comment he muttered, not that she would of cared in that moment.

To my dear wife,
I cannot apologise enough for the pain you must be feeling and how unacceptable it is for me not to comfort you in such difficult times. Otto Hightower has already begun preparations, expecting Queen Rheanyras arrival for battle.
I shall not fight along side my brother, instead I shall await your arrival.
All I ask of you, please, do not stand at the front lines of the battle, step aside and let others fight our families wars.

Your beloved,
Aemond Targaeryn

In kings landing, Aemond stormed the castle, pacing back and forth. His anger was clear to everyone, the guards and alliances have already began receiving their letters of recruit, urging them to make it to the castle and stand for King Eagon and fight against Rheanyra Targaryen.

Aemond worried for his wife, her screams and cries, the pain she felt he almost felt it too. Aegon was a fool and reckless, but no one ever expected for him to take an action like such.

"You've started a war, you killed Lucerys Velaryon."

"And you fathered my children." One of the twins who was presumed missing, was simply hiding from fear of being taken away from his mother.

"Daenerys started a war by burning the streets of our town."

"You murdered her brother right in front of her." Aemond screamed and shouted at his family who tried to justify their actions, he was ashamed to be with them at this moment instead of supporting his wife.

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