Chapter 07 - Nightmares

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"Hello there," a voice said. "Wh—Who are you?" Rush said in a panicky voice. He was in a dark room, chained up against a wall. Suddenly, a person emerged from the shadows. "Wh—Where am I? Who are you? Let me go!" Rush shouted, while attempting to free himself from his restraints. "Hahaha... So many questions, so little time..." the person said, picking up a knife. "W—Why are y—you holding a k—knife...?" Rush questioned, trembling with fear. The person laughed again. "Goodbye... Rush," the person said raising the knife.

Rush jumped from his bed. "W—What...?" he asked himself. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. "I'm still alive... Must have been a nightmare... But it was so... real..." he said while patting himself, as if not believing that he is still alive. He lay back in his bed, and fell back asleep.

A few hours later...

Rush stretched his arms, and yawned. "Well... It's another day... Hopefully Ambush is not mad at me anymore..." Rush said softly. He walked out of his room and onto the hallway, and there, he noticed something strange—there was a new door. What? How could a door have randomly appeared here? I've got to tell the others about this. He thought. He placed a hand on the doorknob and tried to open it. "Huh, stuck..." He went to the Main Hall, but no one was there. "Strange..." he muttered to himself. He then went to the library, but no one was there, not even Figure. "Figure? Where are you? Where's everyone..." He went to Ambush's room, and knocked. There was no response. But Rush entered anyways. The room was empty. "What's going on... Everyone's missing..." Rush went to Halt's room next, and he knocked. There was no response. "Halt, where are you?" Rush called out. And he entered his room. His room was empty too, but there was a note on Halt's bed, it read:

Your friends are gone...
And you're next...

Rush's eyes widened in fear. "Wh—What?! No no... This can't be real! I thought it was all a dream!" Rush said, panicked. "Oh but it is..." a voice from behind said. Rush's heart started palpitating. "You're done, Rush," the voice said. Suddenly, Rush felt something strike his back, and then, just like that, he was knocked unconscious.

Rush woke up from his bed, startled. "No... No this can't be right... Did I just have another nightmare...No... I have to check on the others! To make sure this isn't a dream..." Rush got out of his bed and sprinted down the hallways. His first destination—Halt. (that was expected) When he reached Halt's door, he burst in. "What in the— Rush? Why'd you wake me up at this hour?" Halt asked, confused. "Oh phew... You're still here..." Rush said. "Um, of course I'm still here... Where'd you think I went?" Halt said, even more confused than before. "Oh uh... Never mind then..." Rush said embarrassedly. What's going on with Rush... He's been acted so weirdly lately... I hope he's alright... Halt was puzzled.

Rush closed Halt's door and sighed. What's going on with his weird dreams. Maybe... It's a warning... Or maybe, I'm just overthinking everything...

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