Chapter 28 - Helped

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It had been around half an hour since Rush had started. It was not easy to carve onto concrete using plastic. This is taking so long... And I'm still not done with even the first one! This is gonna take forever! I wonder what Ambush and Halt are doing... Hopefully no one else is getting trapped here... Well, I don't really care about Seek... It would be nice if he was just trapped here forever... I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore then... Eh, whatever. Rush continued to work on carving on the concrete, the sooner he finishes, the sooner he might be able to escape.

After around forty minutes, Rush was done. He carved the last line and let go of the cap. He dusted of the concrete dust on the rim of the cap and waited, but nothing happened. Rush sighed disappointedly and turned away. He sat on against the wall opposite the writing and simply stared at it, wishing something would happen. Suddenly light appeared from within the writing. Is it working?! Rush wondered. Then, the words started letting out a blue light, the familiar blue light Rush knew. Soon, Spirit appeared, looking slightly amazed. "Incredible... Just, incredible... How long did it take you?" she asked. "I really have no idea..." Rush replied. "I see..." "So... By any chance, can you get me and the others out of here?" "I'll try." "I think you're gonna have to find some way to deactivate these lasers..." "Alright then..." Rush watched Spirit fade away as the blue light phased through the wall.

Outside the cells, the blue light appeared from within the wall, it looked around the hallway, there were cameras outside every cell. The light flew towards a wrench and then, Spirit appeared in her human form. She picked the wrench up and flew up behind the camera. She struck it using the wrench and it fell to the ground. She looked around to make sure no one was watching, and flew down to the Rush's cell door. Outside was a small compartment with a door in front of it, on top read the words: 'Laser Deactivation.' Spirit tried to force the small door open but it was no use, the door would not budge. Beside the small door was a keyhole. "I guess I'll have to find the key..." Spirit said to herself, sighing softly. She turned back into her blue light form, so as to not get caught, and started to look around in the rooms.

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