Spirit's Backstory - Chapter IV

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Glitch was in his office, doing the normal like paperwork, taxes... All that boring stuff, but it was his job after all. And Spirit and Hide's occasional visits to his office made it more bearable. Suddenly, Glitch heard a knock from outside. He opened the doora nd saw his friend, and also business partner, Shadow. "Oh, hi Shadow," Glitch greeted.

Shadow walked in and closed the door behind them, without saying anything. He was more of the aloof kind of person. But still, he and Glitch were still quite good friends. "I've been getting complaints that there are two kids making a ton of noise and disturbing the others. Do you know who they are? Have you seen them?" Shadow asked, sounding quite vexed.

"Nope, never saw them," Glitch lied. He knew he could not reveal that Spirit and Hide were staying in the Hotel for free, especially to Shadow. Who knows what would happen if he did so.

"Really?" Shadow said, looking at Glitch suspiciously.

"Yup. Now, I've got a lot of paperwork to do, so if you don't mind..."

"Alright, I'll leave," Shadow said as he left Glitch's office.

Phew, saved it. Glitch thought as he sat back down feeling contented.


Spirit had been very quiet ever since, she and Hdie found the book. I wonder what she's doing... Should probably go check on her... Hide thought as he left his room for Spirit's. When he reached, he knocked on her door. "Spirit! You in there?" he called out.

"Yup! Coming! Give me a sec!" Hide heard a reply.

The door swung open, and Spirit greeted him cheerfully like she always did, but something about her looked different.

"Spirit! You look... different..." Hide said.

"Yeah, I know, changed my hair colour."

"How'd you do that?"

"Magic, obviously! Why'd you think I was so wuiet for the past few hours?"

"Alright, but why light blue?"

"Aw, you seriously forgot? Light blue's my favourite colour!"

"Oh yeah, how could I've forgotten?" Hide replied, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Well, anyways, come in!" Spirit said.

"Okay! By the way, I think light blue hair really suits you," Hide said.

"Thanks! Took me way longer than expected. You won't believe the amount of times I screwed up!"

"Yea... Also, I think we should return those boxes to Glitch," Hide suggested.

"Oh, right. Totally forgot!" Spirit said as she started to pick one of the boxes up. Hide followed and picked up the other box. "Wow, these boxes are heavy, wonder how Glitch managed to carry both of them..." Hide muttered.


Glitch heard another knocked at his office door. "Oh, hello guys! I assume you found everything you need?" Glitch said.

"Yup! I found what I need!" Spirit said.

"Well it looks like so, since it seems like you've changed the colour of your hair," Glitch said. "Just make sure you don't attract too much attention to yourself, or else Shadow might discover that you and Hide have been staying here for free; I don't even want to think about what he'll do to you two, let alone me."

"We know," Hide replied.

"Anyways, do you guys need anything else?" Glitch asked.

"Nope, nothing else, see you tomorrow!" Spirit said and she waved goodbye to Glitch.

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