Chapter 32 - Relief

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The sun slowly rose up from below the horizon as Rush woke up. He stretched out his arms and let out a yawn. He looked around the patch of grass, everyone was still asleep. "Everyone's still asleep..." He muttered to himself as he stood up. He walked over to the apple tree and picked up and apple that had fallen from it. Another day being homeless... I wonder how long we're gonna have to do this for... He thought. He brushed off the dirt from the apple and bit into it. Rush, but more accurately everyone, had been surving apple for the past couple of hours. He sat down beside the stream and drank some water from it. There was a faint sound of bird chirping.

Once Rush had finished eating the apple, he threw the core of it away on the floor and walked back to the patch of grass. It's pretty cold out here... Maybe I should start a campfire... He ruminated. Eventually, he got up and started searching for sticks and branchrs to start a fire. After a few trips back and forth, Rush had accumulated a decent amount of branches and a couple of sticks. Now, all he needed to do was to start a fire. But how? He had no materials whatsoever, everything was burned down in the fire. He sat there pondering, until Screech woke up. "What are you doing, Rush...?" he asked, still sounding tired. "I'm trying to start a fire... But I just don't know how..." "Well you could try and get flint and steel..." "And where would I get steel from?" "I don't know..." Just look for rocks or something and try them out. Here, I have this weird thingy... I think it's made out of steel...? I don't know... You try," Screech said, passing a small cylindrical piece of steel to Rush. "Thanks... I guess?"

Rush looked around for rocks, more specifically, flint. What does flint look like anyway? *Sigh* I guess I'll just have to try each rock... Rush thought. He went around and picked up a couple of rocks and went make to the pile of sticks and branchs to test them. He picked up one of the rocks and struck the piece of metal against it— nothing happened. Rush sighed and tossed the rock aside. He picked up another rock and tried the same thing—still, nothing happened. He repearted this process until he found the rock he needed. He struck the piece of metal against it and sparks flew out. They landed on the pile of sticks and branches and immediately caught fire. "There! I did it!" Rush said happily as he placed the piece of metal on the side.

Excitedly, Rush ran over to Ambush and started shaking him. "Hey Ambush! Guess what I made!" he said. "Rush... Can we not do this again...? I'm so tired... Just let me rest..." Ambush muttered, refusing to move. "Come on! You have to see this!" "Just five more minutes..." "Please...?" "Ugh... Fine! But only for a while..." Ambush finally gave in. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. Rush excitedly showed Ambush the fire he had made. "Look! I made a fire!" "Cool... I guess..." Ambush said, slowly falling back to sleep." Rush sighed and looked at him, then went over to the fire to get some warmth. After all, they were still in the cold forest.

Around an hour later, most of the entities had woken up. Rush came back from the forest holding a bunch of branches with him. He tossed them into the fire and it grew larger. "What are we going to do now?" Halt asked. "I don't know... We gotta get some help... I don't how long we can last like this..." Eyes said. "Well, at least we have a fire to keep us warm now," Rush said. "I guess you're right..." Ambush replied, walking up to the tree and shaking it. He caught one of the apples that had fallen from it and ate it. "You know, not even a day has passed and I'm already getting tired of eating apples," Screech said. "Beggars can't be choosers," Seek said. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," Screech said, annoyed.

Suddenly, Rush's eyes widened. "Wait... Glitch! I forgot about him!" he exclaimed. "Who?" Timothy questioned. "No! I left him there!" Rush shouted. "Shoot! We did forget about him!" Ambush said. "Who in the world is Glitch?" Figure asked. "He's  just some person Rush knows," Spirit said. "He's... He's gone... Isn't he...?" Rush said, with tears forming in his eyes. Halt walked up to him and sat next to him. "There, there, at least you got to spend time with him? Right?" he said, comforting Rush. "I guess... But, I just can't belive he's gone... How could I have forgotten about him?!"

At that moment, a person walked into the clearing. Rush looked at the person, and then said. "Glitch...? Is that you?" The person looked at him, and then said. "Rush?! Oh, you're alive! I thought you didn't make it out!" "Same! But wait, I thought you couldn't leave that place?" "Turns out, I just had to jump out of window to leave," Glitch said. "Well, Glitch, here's an apple for you!" Halt said, trying to sound welcoming as he passed Glitch an apple. Glitch inspected it, and then took a bite out of it.

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