Chapter 11 - Lost Face

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The halls were dead silent, the loudest things were Rush's footsteps. It seemed like the whole place was infinite. He kept on walking. Rush felt uneasy, it was like someone was watching him, or knew about his presence. The monotonous layout of doors on both sides of the hallways was starting to get to him. It probably had already been around 20 minutes since he entered this section of the hotel. He missed everyone, and he did not want them to worry about him going missing. He tried retracing his steps, but he just could not remember where he entered from, the doors all look alike, and he had taken so many turns that it was impossible to remember where he came. "Where is the exit..." Rush grew more desperate by the minute.

Rush was so engrossed with his thoughts that he did not even notice the person in front of him. He bumped into the person, which immediately jolted him back to reality. "Watch it!" the person said. "Who're you?" Rush asked. The person looked confused, and his tone went softer. "I... I don't remember..." he said. "How can you not remember your name?" Rush asked. "And do you know how I can leave this part of the hotel?" "I think I know an exit, follow me." the person said. And so, with no other choice, Rush followed the mysterious stranger, keeping his guard up.

As they were walking, Rush suddenly asked the person, "So... How long have you been here?" "For as long as I can remember..." the person replied. "But then... Why haven't you tried to exit? You know where they are..." "No... I can't..." the person replied, sounding a bit sad. "But why?" The person did not reply. They stopped at a normal-looking door. "Alright, here we are," the person said. "Thanks..." Rush muttered as he went through the door and down the staircase.

At the bottom of the staircase was another door, Rush opened it to see the hallway connecting his room to the library. "Finally back..." Rush said, slightly smiling. I wonder where Halt is... I miss him so much... The hotel was not the same without Halt for Rush, he missed his words of encouragement, and overall, his caring and understanding personality. He walked towards the library, and when he got there, he swung the doors open. "Who's there?" he heard Figure ask. "Rush..." Rush replied back. "Welcome!" Figure then greeted. Rush started looking for a book to read, and finally found one. As he walked back towards the table, he looked out at the windows towering windows, there was a slight shower. I wonder what's outside... I wish I could leave this place... Rush thought, then, his mind shifted towards Halt. Maybe... Halt found an exit, and... left... Without me... Rush tried to push aside the negative thoughts and tried to think optimistically about Halt's whereabouts. Maybe Halt left to get a surprise for me? No... It wouldn't take that long...But deep down, he knew that he was lying to himself. A tear rolled down his face and landed onto the book, leaving a mark—a mark of his sadness.

As he read the book, the negative thoughts kept on creeping in, and he kept pushing them away. It was like he was having an internal fight. Part of him thought negatively, the other thought positively. And he could not focus on reading his book. Forget it, I can't even focus on the book. He closed the book and put it back into the shelf. He left the library and went to the Main Hall.

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