Superhero Sex Talk

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Happy had the key to Peter's house

He knocked on the door anyway

May had asked him to check on Peter while she was out of town for work

Sure he was old enough to take care of himself but she was still worried about him, especially because him being spiderman

So happy and had no problem agreeing to stop by and make sure he was eating properly and that kind of thing

He wasn't too worried until the door was open and he saw him standing there with just his tshirt and boxers with his hand against the doorframe looking extremely nervous

Hey happy good to uh see you um why are you here again Peter asked

May asked me to stop by and see how you're doing and make sure you weren't too much everything ok Happy asked

Yeah it's just kinda early I wasn't expecting any visitors and the apartment is kinda messed so yeah everything's fine uh I uh definitely clean up before she gets home though so no need for her to worry about it that Peter said nervously

Happy was about to leave but then he heard a familiar voice

I gotta say Peter last night was sure something there Michelle said as she laughing not realizing that happy was there the entire time

Peter rubbed his face with his hands as happy pushed past him to see Mj standing in peters t-shirt with just her underwear

When she turned and saw happy she quickly crossed her arms in front of her chest awkwardly

Happy im going to put some clothes on now she said as she quickly left the room embarrassed

Happy turned to peter see him blush in embarrassment

We were uh watching uh movie and then it was late and I didn't want her uh walking home at night by herself so I let her sleepover and I uh take the coach, of course, like uh a gentleman Peter said nervously trying to sound convincing

Is that why there aren't any blankets on the coach and why you are both half naked and why she said something you doing something last night   happy said

Uh it was hot Peter said

Listen I was native to realize you two would be. I mean I knew you were dating and your that age are you being safe happy said

Oh my God happy, please stop talking Peter said as he put his hands over his face

No, you know what this talk should have happened a long time ago I knew you were curious when you rented that video in Germany but you were so young and weren't that close yet, and yeah we have the internet and sex ed at school but it's not like prepared for metahuman students happy said

Please happy im fine I don't need some weird superhero sex talk Peter said in embarrassment

Have you had any issues controlling your super strength I mean if you are not careful you could hurt her what about your stickiness

Happy please stop I would rather get by train again than have This conversation with you right now Peter said

Wait when you were hit by a train when happy asked concerned

Oh it's kind of a long story ok Peter said

Ok then and no we're having this conversation right now no I know you might be tempted to use your webs for bondage but-before happy could say anything else Peter stopped him

Jesus Christ, I won't no im not using my web for that Peter said

Your not she said as she was fully clothed coming out of his bedroom

Peter looked at her surprised for a moment before looking back toward happy

Just please don't tell May Peter said

You know I don't think you have anything to worry about with your aunt she's sex-positive

Happy why would you say that to me I don't want to know she's sex-positive with you gross Peter said

Yeah no that's the pretty weird man she said

Fine you know im going to go but if you have any questions about anything you can ask me and im sure May would feel the same way happy said

Please just go im begging you Peter said

All right im leaving but this conversation isn't over

Happy closed the door and signed  Teenagers He said as he was walking the way

That was awkward Mj said

Yeah it was Peter said in embarrassment

She started to laugh

Do you think this is funny Peter said

No, it's your reaction that's was making me laugh she said

God I hate you sometimes Peter said

Yeah that wasn't what you said last night she said with a smug

Yeah yeah, all laugh it off well I wasn't the one who admitted to happy that I was good in bed Peter said with a mischievous  laugh

Shut up She said

Wanna do this again since you know he's gone she said with a smirk

I thought you never asked Peter said

He was kissing her while carrying her to her bed as he closed the door behind   him

She was kissing back putting her hands on his face Leaning in

He put her on his bed and took off his shirt kissing her while taking off her shirt before he did that

He looked for her approval to see it if it was ok

She nodded her head putting her hands up for him to take them off

He was kissing her neck and he was kissing her body up and down to her belly button

He started to curl his finger to touch her body up and down to her belly button

She was groaning from that touch

Do you want me to stop he said softly

No, she said

Ok good he said

He looked for approval to take off her pants

She nodded her head in approval

She was getting the same feeling last night the way she was taking it all in the way he would ask for permission to do it

The way he touches her makes her feel so special to him

He started to kiss her lips again

She put her hands to his face to let him know she was enjoying it

Peter stopped to admire the way she looked so beautiful with her just laying there with her purple bra

He never thought he would get so lucky to be with someone who's always been so stunning

Your beautiful he said

Thank you, you're not bad yourself she said gigging

Thanks, he said with a chuckle

Are you sure you want to keep going I'm not hurting you am I he said

No, we don't have to and no your not she said softly

Ok that's good to hear I do want to but I just want to know if you do Peter said

Aww my sweet boy if you were I would have told you she said as bopped his nose

So that's a yes he said

Yes she said as she got on top of him kissing his lips
The End

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