Stuck in the Elevator

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were trapped Michelle said  

I'm sure it's fine Peter said as he was pressing the open button on the elevator

which didn't open

your right  were  trapped Peter said as he took a deep breath scanning Michelle's face it was emotionless

you don't seem too worried Peter said

Nah someone will come for us right MJ said as she hit the emergency button with nothing happening

she pressed it harder this time with still nothing happening

why is nothing happening Michelle said in a panic that was filling her head now

he pressed it gently still nothing happened he realized they were trapped while the elevator just stopped

omg she is stuck in the elevator with her crush oh my god MJ thought

he could use his powers but the thing is Michelle doesn't know that he is spiderman so he can't give that way

what do we do MJ said as she covered her face with her hands sitting down in one corner of the elevator

ugh the one time I don't have a book with me MJ said annoyed

Peter smiled and said we will just have to wait it out

ugh I don't wanna make small talk with you she said annoyingly as she was searching the room

well we're going to be here in a while so I thought might as well get to know each other Peter said

go on your phone or something just leave me alone She said

there is no signal plus my phone is 2% peter said with a frown

I don't have a signal either so otherwise, I would just called someone out of this nightmare MJ said annoyed

Peter thought to himself was he that bad to her considering he likes her so having your crush say that about you just hurts you

*A Few minutes pass*

they were silent throughout the time  with Peters's heightened  senses he could hear Michelle's heartbeat racing and her breathing heavily

he wanted to ask if she was ok but clearly, it would just upset her more

Peter started humming some song called don't blame me  about Taylor swift and MJ faced him

are we going to be ok MJ asked him

yeah of course Peter said confidently they were stuck in an elevator at a nearby Libary there

there are so many books out here if I can only get my hands on one She said nervously

Are you ok MJ He asked noticing the fear in her eyes

I'm fine to let's talk about something else she said pushing away that fact she is scared and panicked right now but she is trying to act natural

Sure let's play a game any ideas Peter said

Betty tried to make me join Marry kiss  kill I didn't participate but we could play now She said

Um can we play marry kiss kill he asked as his ears Turing red

I'd just feel more comfortable Peter said nervously

Okay loser I go first Julia from detention Betty and Liz

Oh um for me kiss Julia marry Betty kill Liz Peter said

MJ raised an eyebrow at him and said I thought we were head over heels for Liz

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