The sleepover

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Peter just invited MJ to his sleepover with Ned well it was Ned who dared him too

he thought she was gonna make fun of him say no  or ridicule him or something

but he definitely wasn't expecting her to say yes

he was nervous since this was his crush that was coming over to his house

he thought to himself not to screw this up to make a good impression on it

Meanwhile MJ

she was panicking inside after saying yes to coming over to her crush's house

it was her senior year and she still hasn't gone to any party or anything really

she wasn't obsessed with him but her feelings for peter were love like she likes him romantically

she didn't know why it was something about his brown hair his pretty puppy eyes

his really cute personality the way is just so adorable she loves it all

But MJ needed to act cool about this to get her act together with this

she decided to go causal by wearing some sweatpants and a Tshirt

nothing would be wrong with that right She thought to herself

*Time Skip to 5:30 pm*

MJ was at peters house she was about to knock on it the door

but peter opened for her

oh uh hey MJ its kinda early Peter said nervously

MJ shurrged and said is Ned here

he is not here yet but he is uh coming a little bit Peter said nervously

May was out of town which MJ already knew that

why don't you come on in Peter said gudeing her inside his house

sure she said as peter held the door open for her

as she rolled her eyes by it

peter was sitting down on a sofa and watching her sit down at the sofa

she was scrolling on her phone

he already got some snacks ready and he heard the doorbell ring

so Peter left to go answer it

It was Ned

oh hey Ned whats u- Peter said

Ned interputed him saying DUDE HOW LONG HAS SHE BEEN HERE whispered in a yell not to alert her

only for like 15 mins not that long really anyways lets just watch a movie or something Peter said

The next couple of hours were filled with them watching movies they watched Star wars original trilogy

while MJ kept teasing that they were nerds

then Ned took out his phone during their finale watch on the The phantom Menace

Uh i got to see you guys tomorrow at school Ned said before he left he said Bye to them

peter and MJ both said bye to him as he left

can we watch like a serial killer documentary MJ said as she got the remote

sure why not peter said

they were sitting next to each other most of the time not miding a thing

Halfway MJ suddenly paused the show and looked at him

peter i wanted to ask you this for a while MJ said

and their faces were inches apart

what is - Peter said as MJ slienced him by kissing his lips

peter was shocked that MJ just kissed him

but he was enjoying it as he was kissing her back

suddenly they were in a makeout session things went out of hand real quickly

MJ broke the kiss and said i really like you peter

i like you too Peter said in a smile

peter looked at the documentary that was on pause

it was during their makeout scene right before the killer murdered the victim

smart choice Peter thought as they continued to kiss each other again

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