Vibrant Vitals

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Peter climbed up and almost fell but he might have super strength

but holding a building was difficult no wonder he felt exhausted he thought to himself As he was going through his bedroom window

He entered it with a sigh

The evacuation was not fast enough and the building's integrity was able to be held up the whole time

Ugh Parker luck he thought to himself

But he was able to prevent the collapse long enough for everyone to evacuate safely and even managed to be not injured

It's still was a rough afternoon for him

As he lifted himself to the floor he realized that MJ was still there standing at the door of his room 

Hey he said, awkwardly he hoped she hadn't seen him fall through the window he thought to himself

Interesting entrance nerd she said

Oh come on I think I earned the right to an awkward entrance I've had a rough afternoon ok he said although he wasn't upset

I know She said

I saw it on the news she said

Oh Peter said unsure what to say next

Did they get my good side he said with a joke

Do you have a bad side she said

As your girlfriend, I think that's something that you should inform me of she said

I think it's something you're supposed to be able to see he said as he was checking to see if his curtains had fallen back over the window

He had finally gotten them

Oh I see she said as she was walking toward him slowly

Well in that case I have to inform you don't have one she said as she was a step away and with her arms around his shoulders

I'm glad you're ok she said softly

And then she kissed him it was soft at first just a brush of their lips meeting

She pulled away for a second as she was smiling slightly at him

Their foreheads almost touching

his hands had found their way to her waist

She kissed him again this time it was deeper

Peter could feel their lips molding together

Pushing against one another as they were fighting for power while staying in an equal balance

Peter made the next move but ran his tongue  along her bottom lip for an entrance

she opened her mouth to him it wasn't the first time they have ever done this

but kissing MJ was amazing and unbelievably exciting for him

He started to explore the inside of  her mouth it felt warm and good somehow

They pulled back for air panting  as they held each other for a moment

Where's Ned Peter asked as he was still slightly out of breath

He stayed to watch you on the news but then he got a text asking about his cousins or some shit and his mom and memory of goldfish rambling but he said that he forgot to watch the movie next week

Realization hit Peter

His family is visiting this week I forgot I guess we couldn't have finished the movie anyway but that's ok he said I think I prefer it if he isn't here right now He said 

Ok she said with confusion

Wondering why he  didn't want to not hang out with him she thought to herself

I'd it would make this more awkward he said as he went to lean in to kiss her more passion than before pulling her close

His mouth was open and hot and MJ could feel her pulse under his hands on her waist

She thought to herself This Peter was more forward and sure than usual but she was sure enjoying it

Her hands dropped from his shoulders to run over the muscles on his back

He was holding her so close now their legs almost intertwined and she could feel his hands moving one arm around her waist

On the other hand, supporting the back of her neck

She pushed against him pulling her hands from his back to push against his chest

Never-ending the kiss

She backed him up into the edge of his bed

His legs braced the side of the mattress

Peter just loved the feeling of MJ near him wrapped around her arms he lost the feeling of her

Their mouths were fast and hungry and their teeth clicked together every so often as they attempted to feel as much of the other as possible, pulling back for air only when they had to

Until his legs hit the edge of his bed

she stopped pushing abruptly and ran her fingertips down to his stomach almost like a tickle closer to caressing him

Peters's mind swirled as he felt goosebumps rise on his arms almost like his Peter tingle but in a good way

MJ  brought her hands up to his chest and kissed His lips

He brought His hand to her to the spider emblem on his chest

She looked into his eyes only he was able to press them together they pressed it

The suit grew loose dropping down to his boxers

before he could feel embarrassed MJ pushed him back into his bed and felt delighted by it

He scooted back until his shoulder blades rested against the wall

She has followed him straddling his lap and kissing his lips deeply

He never felt so alive his heart was racing a sensation was growing in his stomach and he knew something is moving through his boxers hoping MJ didn't notice it

Her hands were running over the wave of his exposed muscles on his chest on his stomach

His hands were tucked under the back of her shirt feeling the warm skin on her back

He fingered the hem of her shirt and pulled away looking for her approval

She nodded and that's when he pulled the shirt over her head

She was wearing a black lacy bra

Peter sucked in a breath as he was admiring her up and down her form

MJ felt pleased by the look on his face

Peter reached his head cautiously hand and put it on the bare skin of her waist

She looked almost amused by his sudden return to slow and cautious

But he quickly remained confident again that she had no doubts about it

Pulled her forward to kiss her down her neck

she was on top of him

Her skin felt hot he felt he was trying to absorb every one of her closes to her as possible as he kissed his way back to her lips

Their bare skin pressed to each other as he pulled her closer

She's all Peter thinks about


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