Losing control

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Peter and MJ are 25 years old

MJ is a successful journalist and Peter is a research scientist working alongside Otto's side

They are both college graduates

But they weren't together yet they didn't live together in a separate house

Their first kiss was in the rain MJ falling on top of him
Peter grabbed her face kissing it as she leaned in too deep that kiss

That was their first kiss

Other than that after that they went on dates to movies and dinners and so on

They were having dinner with aunt may who obviously knew something was going on between them

May told MJ she was good for him and how proud she was to have Peter have someone special in his life

MJ told her I agree I think he's good for me too

After that Peter rode her cab to his house to have their first night together

In the cab, peters knee was bouching up and down and it made MJ laugh before she place her hand on top of it to stop it

They pulled up outside of his house and took he took her hand dragging her inside

He looked back and chuckled before opening his door and stepping back to let her in

His place was dark just the light from outside decorating the floor so she was able to see where she was stepping

Leave it dark she told him as she heard him close the door

She turned to face him as he was pulling her by the coat his lips found hers

MJ leaned her body against his as Peter's fingers are working in unbuttoning her coat

Her hands were on his sweater as he was carrying her to his bedroom

She held her hands on his neck while still kissing him frantically sucking on his bottom lip

She held his face with both of her hands as he was walking upstairs

He had his hands on her hips as he banged his knee on the railing

Fuck he said in pain only making her laugh

Shut up he said laughing kissing her making her smile kissing him back gently

She tightened her grip on her thighs as Peter was opening the door of his bedroom

But she couldn't help the moan that escaped from the back of her throat into his mouth when she felt him push against her putting her on the bed

She opened her eyes to find him watching intensely

His eyes searched her checks, her nose down to her lips and then down with the curve of her throat

Never in her life had she seen someone look at her with so much desire it made every nerve inside her want more

She reached forward to him as he was laying on top of her letting her unbutton his shirt

She got to the last button and then placed her hands on his stomach Showing his rock-hard Abes

She dragged her hands on his chest and over his shoulders pushing his shirt off and falling to the floor

He felt goosebumps he let a groan from her touch

She kisses his chest softly then trails up his neck making him sigh

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his shoulder letting him remove her shirt

He took a moment to admire her touching her with his fingertips putting to her shoulder to her breasts putting over her navel

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