The Weekend

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The plot was set after Far from home but minus the fact, Peters's identity was revealed because in this one it isn't

when Peter was swinging MJ 50 feet above the air as MJ was holding on to him for dear life

after that, she stood there in the middle of times square out of breath throughout what just happened

she was slightly embarrassed considering she was given weird looks at her

due to being just dropped by spiderman

so she just walked home which took about a minute

when she got home her mom was there but her dad isn't

because he was still working at a pizza place delivering pizzas

Her dad's name was Liam Waston

her mom was Madeline Waston

Madeline was sitting on the couch watching her favorite show as usual

she still claims she is looking for work but for the past 5 years

her mom still didn't have a job yet

Michelle come here darling Her Mom said

coming MJ said as she walked toward her

dear god what happened to your hair did someone touch it or why is it such a mess Michelle dear Her Mom said

I don't know ok it was the wind MJ said

did you go on your date looking like this not even wearing any of the pretty dresses I got you Madeline said

I don't know if it was anything festive so I didn't think it mattered MJ said

oh Jenifer and Melanie are coming over next Friday so you got to make a good impression it's girl's night after all dear Her Mom said

ok Mom I will MJ say

good then dear Her mom said

as Michelle went to her room closed the door and was laying down in bed

thinking about her first kiss with peter on the London bridge

and playing with the necklace he got her

then Friday rolled around

the day when her aunts are coming to visit them

so she was wearing that pretty pink dress that her mom made her wear with a necklace and high heels

but Michelle refused to replace it saying it was special to her

but sweetie it's broken why he gives you that Her mom said

well l like it broken Mom please MJ said

ok fine it's useless wearing something that's broken but if they say something about it don't blame me then Her Mom said annoyed

MJ's hair was pinned up the way her mom likes it

she had on makeup her mom put on for her

the Peppa eyeshadow

the pink Maybelline lip gloss

mascara with eyeliner on it

with a pink blush with it

it looked somewhat natural kind of

Her Mom made sure she didn't put in too much or overdo it

Her Mom made sure she didn't put in too much or overdo it

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