The Weekend part 2

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MJ woke up around noon her stomach rumbling

Peter was well sitting on the walls She looked at him strangely because of it

Oh hey MJ good morning Peter said

You should have seen it I woke up early and I saw this dude who was trying to rob this house Peter said

I was all like WHBAM and I shot at him with my web it was like Peter said as MJ stopped listening not because she was bored she found his excitement and fast-talking all very cute

She just wanted to look at him

Anyways wanna go get some coffee and food Peter asked her

Yeah sure MJ said

They both got ready of course since she didn't pack clothes Peter let her wear one of his hoodies and old basketball shorts

They started walking and we were joking and laughing everything was good the sun was out she liked being next to him or just being with him

She feels just more free than she is with her own family then which was until

She saw 20 missed calls from her mom and tested her back saying she was at a friend's house

Just then her phone rang

Michelle dear where the hell are you embarrassing me what friend's house are you staying at I was worried sick her mom said

Sorry mom I was just staying at Betty's house I see you later MJ said

She didn't wanna tell her she was staying at peters mostly to avoid the whole sex talk and how she would assume that was what they were doing so

Peter turned to her and gave her a sweet smile

They made it to a coffee shop and both got an iced coffee and a bagel well except Peter got three because how being a superhero is exhausting to him

As they began walking back she just looks at him as he was scarfing back his food and she just stared at him slightly because he eats funny or his curly hair and his perfect lips were somewhat memorized her

You're a loser Parker MJ Said

Ouch Peter said

But your my loser MJ said

Aww Peter said

They both smile

The rest of the day they spent watching movies the only difference from last night was the heat is making them sweat so much it would be repulsive to be near each other

Closer to 6 they watch a sappy romance movie but either way, they were watching a sex scene that came on she giggled a little at the movie when she looked at Peter

He was trying to watch it at that scene so she laughed

Come on Parker if you've done it you can watch it in the movie MJ said jokily

He fell silent he looked at his lap and then at the wall almost embarrassed to say anything

Holy shit Parker you're a virgin MJ said

What no Peter said nervously

He spoke a little laughing that he usually does when he's nervous

It's ok if you are I won't judge since I'm too MJ said

I'm um gonna order pizza Peter said

Half an hour later and the pizza showed up they both sat on the couch to eat it

A huge slab of cheese fell off Peter's slice and falling into his shirt

They both laughed about it as he tried to clean himself off

She went to look at him noticing he was there washing his shirt in the sink

Seeing his back muscles moving as he scrubbed his shirt

All she could feel was a deep sense of wanting to see him naked again got her all excited

God, she realized how wrong that sounded since when did she have a dirty mind or become so horny

He walked into his room to put on his shirt and she followed him

He shuffled through his drawer while she sat on his bed breaking the silence

So you have never done anything sexual she asked as she was not trying to force the issue too hard

Um well I have done stuff Peter said

Ooh first second or third MJ asked

Um like I have kissed girls Peter said

How many exactly MJ said

Um one Peter said

So I was your first kiss MJ said

Yeah you were yeah Peter said

Peter finally put on a new shirt

So you like never touched boobs before she asked

He chucked a little before responding

Well no Peter said

Dahm that's sad virgin She said

He had a slightly annoyed look on his face

Come here she said

Why he said

Just trust me, come on she said

They sat on his bed and faced each other and sat cross-legged she stared at him and he still had a confused expression on his face

MJ reached the bottom of her shirt and pulled it off swiftly she was there in just her bra and shorts

Woah Woah MJ Peter said as he turned his head to block his view with this hands

Here go ahead it's ok MJ said

He slowly lowered his hand and glanced back over to her as if he was scared she laughed at his reaction

Go ahead MJ said

Peter didn't know what to do she was beautiful he was out of breath and nervous not knowing what to do

She slowly grabbed his hand and flinched ever so slightly as she raised her chest

You can touch them Peter she said

She laughed a little

Peter  looked down at her boobs and slowly moved his hand toward them when he finally made contact they both smiled and laughed a bit

After that moment she leaned in and kissed him with his hand still on her chest

They made out for 5 minutes passionately but when she leaned in closer to him he pushed back getting nervous about his boner

He was freaking out for a bit and was embarrassed but she couldn't but laugh 

He walks into the bathroom and locks the door of course

It had been a while when Peter came out of the bathroom still blushing

um I'm sorry MJ Peter said

Don't be sorry Peter it's perfectly normal MJ said

She smiled at him but he doesn't return it

I will um sleep on the couch tonight Peter said as MJ grabbed his hand

Can you sleep with me tonight Peter MJ said

Uh yeah sure Peter said as he kissed her cheek making her blush

Peter was quickly asleep

all MJ could think about was how nervous he was and how hot he looked when got a boner she could the outline of his dick made on his pants that he was packing and how desperately she wanted more

The End

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