Closer to You

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May and Peter walk into the apartment

Peter furiously runs to his room he's still mad at everyone

He slammed the door behind him he lay face down on his bed

Peter can I come in May asked Peter didn't answer so she asked again

Can I please come in Pete mays said no response from Peter

May walked in anyways

Look I know you're upset you must be the thing attacking your friends now you are mad at everyone May says

I'm not mad at everyone Peter said lying

Uh-huh sure but want are you gonna do May said

I'm gonna find that thing and stop it killing and- Peter said

I mean about your friends Ned and MJ May said

I don't know Peter said

Well you might wanna figure it out since Michelle said she liked you in the car I think that calls for some making up May said

I just want to go to bed Peter said resting his head

May silently nodded stood up and walked out

An hour past

Peter lay restlessly on his bed sleep won't come and the thought of his friends kept him up

It's only 11 pm Peter thought as he sprung up and looked around for his suit until he found it

He suited up maybe swinging would calm him down

But while he was swinging he saw a familiar building the lights were off except for one room that room was lit up by a small desk side lamp

The girl who read under it seemed upset why wouldn't she be it was MJ

The tears streamed down her eyes Peter felt guilty now for not yelling not for getting mad but he felt guilty for not listening and considering what she said when they dropped her off at the apartment complex

Now he sat alone at a wall of the building across her staring at the city below him

He swung to her building and crawled up to her building

He hesitated but he knocked on the window 3 times

MJ didn't lookup

He knocked twice more she finally looked towards the window to see its spiderman confused she walked over to the window but didn't open it

Peter knocked again before Michelle finally let him in

He crawled on the roof and slowly and quietly let himself down

If you're here because I was talking shit about you to a friend of mine MJ said

im sorry I realize you are one person you can't be everywhere at once Michelle said

What friend would have told me that spiderman said

Well he's kind of an old friend now I don't know it's complicated Michelle said

I told him I like him kinda and the last time we saw each other to be ended very badly MJ said

I don't know why I'm even telling you this you couldn't care less than anyone else in my life MJ said

I think that you should tell him that with a calm voice and see where things go there Spiderman said

Huh he won't see me he's probably locked himself in his room for the next few days MJ said

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