If I could tell her

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Peter waited impatiently for the end of my classes to turn into his alter ego and become his friendly neighborhood spiderman

*It passed more than 10 minutes*

His gaze is on the clock and Michelle his crush

She was classy and funny I mean despite her dark humor he found it funny and She was beautiful too

He looks at her and then after she looks at him and frowns

He looks away quickly then looks at her and smiles

That smile that pretty smile she has

She was smiling at him and then turns to the teacher without listening reading her book instead

He then lays his head on the desk starting at the clock

The bell finally rings those endless long minutes for him he hurries to get out of the building

He is out in a hidden alley to check if the coast is clear it is so he takes off his clothes and puts them in his bag after taking his suit

Peter sticks his bag on the wall as usual then puts on his suit

He swings away

He spends his time looking at the city swinging and texting his best friend Ned

He helped a woman find her way by stopping a man from stealing her bag

Did some photos with some of his fans and has helped people carry their bags

It felt good for him to help people to make a difference in their life

As the sun almost went down as he looked at the top of the building he heard screams and then he turned to the source of the shouting

He saw smoke and then rushed to the place of a fire someone shouted and people were outside

Are there still people still inside Peter  asked the young woman

Yes there is a girl she is my neighbor and I don't see her outside but she is still at home The young woman said

He goes there and tells her to call for help

before he goes there into the building it was not very tall it was easy to search

Is there someone Peter screamed as he starts to cough the fire starts to affect him but then tries to hold his ground

No answer she may be out but maybe not he's checking anyway

He went up the stairs searching every apartment

He was on the 4th floor and he found a girl lying on the floor having trouble breathing

Peter approaches her and then has a shiver in his back to see the girl

It was MJ his crush he quickly takes her arm and then quickly leaves the building as he arrives on the ground

MJ coughs clinging to him then a woman who he spoke to earlier approaches him

You saved her never a firefighter would do it so quickly I thank you young man the woman said

But it's nothing im only doing my job mam Peter said as he lets out a cough

The woman smiles at him and then lets MJ go gently and went to see if anyone else is ok

Firefighters arrive and then take charge of the fire to extinguish it after thirty minutes while paramedics check people once everything is secure and controlled

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