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She didn't know what time she fell asleep but she knows she didn't sleep much

She felt so bad about why happened at the same time excited about it

She was sure glad to turn Peter on she was sure glad to have him touch her

But it was the fact he was embarrassed about it so he slept on the couch instead of sleeping with her making her upset

Because of how horrible she made me feel about it

She checked her phone it was 9 when she got up and walked to the living room seeing Peter on the couch eating his cereal in the morning

Hey he said

Hey she said

The awkwardness was almost unbearable

Wam thum threal? He said with his mouth full trying to offer her cereal so she was happy sitting next to him

Watching the show on tv

Not long before she decided to speak up

So I'm sorry um but can we talk about last night she said

Peter turned to her

I'm sorry this isn't your fault or don't won't be sorry MJ it was like I didn't like it I did I was just you know never felt that way before uh not just physically but like the emotions, peter said nervously As he looked down again

Peter, it's fine I just wanted to make sure you weren't upset MJ said

I'm the opposite of upset Peter said

They both met eyes and his face was illuminated beautifully by the morning sun, and she sat there in utter bliss

Then suddenly Peter leans in and kisses her lips

He usually never initiates the kiss it was always MJ that does it feels good to her to see him take action like that

She leans in as well as their kiss turns into more passion

Peter cups her face with his hands they move closer and closer as their breath matches as we breathe deeply

Everything feels right about their kiss the timing was everything so she pulls back for a moment putting her hands on his chest

Do you have a condom she asks still out of breath from the kiss

Um in my room he asks

He gets up and practically sprints to grab it which makes her laugh a little

He gets back and they lay together and start kissing each other again this time it was different it's not a look like they like each other kissing but a sensual one and she loves it

She leans back and Peter leans over her their breath matching again and his body pressed against each other

She ran her hands down his muscled back and could feel his heart pounding

when she reaches the bottom of his shirt she pulls right off

She reaches down to pull her shirt off when Peter did it for her

He was admiring her beauty and how good she looked in that pink bra

Kissing the top of her breasts and then kissing her up and down to her stomach

MJ was groaning trying to keep her cool from all those kisses he was giving her body

It felt so good the way she never wanted him to stop

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