Vibrant Vitals P2

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Meanwhile Tony stark
Today was an expectation for him

He was at the lab

With nothing better to do

He finished the designs for his nanotech suit yesterday when Peter was helping assemble the bots

He decided to skim through the baby monitor protocol info Friday and informed him of any red flags

The footage he checked to see if anything bad happened or if he was injured or anything like that

He realized the suit was active and his heart rate and breathing were high

Maybe he's in a fight right now tony thought to himself so he asked Friday where he was

Mr. Parker is currently at home right now Friday said

How long has been there Tony asks him

He appears to have arrived 10 minutes ago Friday said

Are there any injury reports in his suit Tony asked Friday

No sir Friday said

What did he do so far tony asked

It showed photos and footage of spiderman helping citizens in a burning building and a few of him holding a lot of the weight of the building as it started to collapse

Which made Tony worry because he remembered Peter had told him serval months ago

well it was more like tony forced him to say to him

some mops fell on the storage cabinet and he sometimes had panic attacks over

what happened with the Vulture dropped a building on him

which made Tony think he was having a panic attack by himself

He called Friday for his suit and went to check on him

I would have expected them to start calming down now Tony said to himself

I can no longer read vitals Friday  said tony as Tony's visuals disappeared

what why tony said worryingly

Mr parkers suit was deactivated Friday said to him

Friday call Peter parker tony said

no response sir Friday said

tony didn't like that at all because he was in queens and almost to peters building ignoring the front entrance using the front window that was already open with a curtain covered with it so he flew directly to it

managed to not tangled in the curtain and deactivated his suit to look around the room

he called out to peter

Meanwhile Peter and MJ

peters  mind was absent when tony called out to him

only feeling  her lips against his as he felt her thighs on the other side of him

He felt her waist under his hands

Then his mind focused on a mental clank noise

He didn't what it was so his first instinct was to protect MJ

He pulled her to him her head over his shoulder and wrapped his arms around her

He turned back to see who it was

Peter Tony said

Mr.stark Peter said

Tony turned around to see Peter in his boxes his arms wrapped around a girl a shirtless girl

Mr.stark peter said as he released his grip on MJ and pulled the blanket over them

Peter's face was red and embarrassed

She didn't look embarrassed but she was surprised but calm

Um peter stuttered

Mr.stark is there something wrong Peter asked nervously

Tony laughed at him he realized it was a misunderstanding and MJ just stared at him

He laughed for so long that when he saw peters confused state and also the confused state

on peters face

he decides to maybe explain the situation

I tony said as he still was laughing trying to explain

i thought tony said with another giggle at peter

your suit vitals he said with laughter out of breath

Tony had almost gotten control of his speech

and the building earlier from the heart rate tony  said with another fit of laughter

was a panic attack tony said with managing to get the words out of his mouth and he figured peter picked up what he was trying to say

MJ looked like she was about to laugh too but she was able to control  her expression reaming control

she twinkled and her mouth was twitching

oh peter said with awkwardness and uncertainty filling his tone

Tony finally managed to get a grip on himself and stopped laughing

his eyes were watering and his shoulder shook slightly but he felt he should do something other than laugh at the kid

so how you are you ok tony asked peter

yeah oh um yeah peter said with his eyes flickering over to MJ next to him

a thought flashed across Peters's eyes and he reached out to the other side of the bed and captured the blue shirt off the pillow and some sweatpants off the table

he handed his shirt to his girlfriend and allowed the blanket to slide down and pulled on  the sweatpants

tony had a sudden thought of his own

right so you are probably wondering why this kid has ironman in his bedroom tony said to MJ

he began looking at her in the face

trying to make an excuse for peter saying you see peter is an inter-

when peter cut him off saying it's ok she knows I told her he pointed to the spiderman suit lying in the clear view on the floor to prove she knew

I figured it out MJ said

that was the first time she added

tony raised his eyebrows at peter in a way that so he is telling everyone now

right peter said  mumble in a bit

MJ this is tony stark and Mr stark this is my uh girlfriend  Peter said introducing them to each other

Tony was surprised that he hadn't heard  of her before and thought because he wanst good at keeping secrets so

MJ stood off his bed and offered her hand to tony

MJ she said

it hasn't been official for very long She said

well it's nice to meet you MJ maybe we'll see you at the tower Tony said to her

she just nodded her head

okay well maybe ill ask pepper if we could have dinner sometime tony said

Mr stark thanks for coming to help even though I didn't need this time Peter said softly to him

tony knew he meant it and was only able to give a little nod in response

I will just be on my way Tony said  as he stepped back into his suit and left the scene and heard a voice from MJ

wow cockblocked by tony stark she said

Tony chocked by her response

The End

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