A True Loves kiss

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It's Friday night Peter is at his house with MJ of course

They're working on another project for physics

May is at work for another two hours

So they have the house to themselves

Peter is glad to be spending alone time with MJ even if it's just working on a project

When the blip happened MJ Ned and peter grew closer now have few months has passed and Peter starts to have feelings for MJ

After working for about an hour and half

They hear a knock on the door and they both look up at each other

Peter is trying hard to not make it seem like he's falling for her

Were you expecting someone she said

Peter just shrugs not trusting his words and went to answer the door

He opens the door to see happy Hogan holding a red backpack with m.stark on it with the color gold in the front and Morgan with him

Happy Peter says as he glances at MJ who was watching him carefully which makes him nervous

MJ left the scene

Um what are you doing here Peter says

Happy looked confused and said I thought you had a play date with Morgan

Or is it next Friday Happy said as he realized his mistake

We can reschedule if you want Happy said

He considers this but then he looks at Morgan not wanting to go she was so excited to spend time ever since Tony died her dad

Peter has made a huge effort to be Morgan's brother Peter doesn't want to disappoint her so he allows it

No, it's fine to come on in Peter tells them

They walk into the apartment and as they do Peter shuts the door behind them

MJ is still working on her laptop but she looks up to see Happy and Morgan approach

Peter clears his throat

MJ this is Happy and Morgan Peter says

Happy Morgan this is MJ Peter says

MJ smiles and gives them an awkward wave

Your MJ Morgan said

Uh Yeah I am she said with a laugh

Peters told me about you Morgan said

He said your pretty as he said Morgan said

Before she could say anything else

ok Morgan Peter said as he Interrupts it and laughs nervously

Happy is laughing to himself

Peter looks at MJ to see her smirking at him

He can feel a blush on his face but he tries to cover it

Why don't you and happy go over to the coach I'll be there in a sec Peter said

As soon as they're out Peter and MJ

MJ turns to him and said to in a hushed tone so I thought were working on the project

I know I'm sorry but I promised Morgan a play date Peter said

You do know its due in a few days right MJ said as she raised a brow at him

Relax we have time you should stay and hang out with us ok after we can go back to working on the project, ok Peter said

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