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As MJ sits on the sofa in her living room thinking about what she will order from the Chinese

she hears a knock on her door and pulls her out of her thoughts

MJ went to answer it

it was peter parker Her boyfriend

who has a goofy smile on his face

he kisses her on the check

she says it's about time I was beginning to worry that something happened to you on patrol

oh yeah sorry I stopped at my apartment at Mays to change out of my suit there Peter says

MJ shivers as she realized that they are standing in the doorway

MJ gestures for him to come in which he did

she closes the door behind her as he entered inside

he heads towards the kitchen where he places his wallet and keys there

your dad is on a business trip for the weekend right Peter asked

yes like I told you this for like the millionth time already MJ said annoyed

so what you did tell may MJ asked curiously

I told her that I wanted to make sure in case he comes back early that's all but I told her I was staying at Ned's house tonight so she doesn't ring Ned's mom or Ned or anything cause I haven't told him peter said with a chuckle after that

MJ laughs at Peters's stupidity her boyfriend can be sometimes as she goes to the draw by the sink to get the Chinese menu out and hands it to peter

do you already know what you're gonna have Peter asked her

yes she said as he grabs the phone on the kitchen counter and dials the number

*Phone call skip*

Peter puts the phone back as he finished ordering on the phone

MJ and Peter make their way to the sofa

she cuddled up to peter as he put his arm around her holding her in place

Peter grabs the tv remote to watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine

no, I didn't know we were starting season 7 I thought were season 5 she said

well you know what they say time flies by well you're having fun he said to her

oh shut up dork she said as she was trying to hide her blush ever so slightly

Peter was over looking at her while MJ lays her head on his chest out of view for him

he presses play and they start watching it together

*20 minutes have passed*

their food is ready because they were startled by a knock on the door

Peter begins to get his wallet from the kitchen as he makes his way through the door

that cost $30

which peter handed him $20 and $10 and takes the food with him

he then brings it out to the living room so He and Michelle can dig in

You know you didn't have to pay for it I know how you have money problems I wouldn't have minded She said to Peter

I know but can't I treat my girlfriend to something once in a while you hurt me Michelle you do he said jokingly as he puts his hand on his chest acting wounded

She shakes her head and laughs as she gives a kiss to him a little longer than she meant to

They both pull away as they start to eat their food And carry on watching Brooklyn NiNe-nine

A little while after they finished eating they put it in the rubbish bin after that

MJ starts to kiss Peter again on the lips as his voice from the tv started to drown out as they only focused on each other

MJ then climbs on peter as she sits on his lap straddling him

She began to rock her hips pressing into Peter

Em please peter said as he breathed out

His hand snakes under her shirt about to take it off to look for her approval which she nodded

Until he stops and turns his head to where the stairs are

What is it MJ said sounding concerned

But he didn't reply as they both heard a crash from upstairs

And they both immediately Jump up from the sofa as Peter tells MJ to stay here I'm to see what that was

MJ was not having it and said this is my house Peter I'm coming with you

Ok fine but just stay behind me ok Peter said As he gave in

They make their way up the stairs With Mj holding into peters arm as she walks behind him

They hear another bang coming from her dads bedroom

Peter puts his hand on the doorknob slowly

To find a man dressed in all black trying to open the safe that was in the closet

The man turns around with a shocked expression saying your Spider-Man the man said

Peter stares blankly at him knowing how would he know that Since he was wearing his regular clothes so he went along with it

Yeah and if you don't leave on your own then Peter said confidently

I will have to force you to leave and we know that you don't want to happen Peter said with a smug look

your going to drop everything climb back at the widow and leave if you do I will anyone I was here I will come and find you Peter said trying to sound threatening

The man trembles as he empties his pockets and steps away from the closet

He followed peters instructions and went back through the window

The man left

That was easy I honestly thought he was going to put up a fight Peter said as he turns around to MJ

I'm sorry about that I just hope he won't tell anyone I was here cause then more people might come here to get to me that's where you live here and-

Before he got to saying anything else MJ interpreted him by kissing his lips and to shut up she hugged him

Look none of this is your fault ok I knew what I was getting into by dating you MJ said

And I'm pretty sure he won't tell anyone he seemed pretty frightened by your threat so I'm positive everything will be ok She said with reassure

Ok Peter said as he put his forehead to hers

The End

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