Michelles 18th birthday

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Her birthday was in the summer of June 10th

With Betty is throwing a party at her parent's cabin her mom thought it was a great idea

Betty ended up coming to her apartment where are and her mom talked about what should happen at the party for Michelle

But her mom didn't know about the night with Peter it was Betty who talked about it with her

I will help you and Peter have the best night ever Betty tells Michelle

I'll lock off the attic which is also the guest room it's in a secluded area in the cabin beside the closet Betty said to her

Anyway so no one should get in

Well go there in the morning to set up for the party however you want Betty said

Okay so now that's it settled I will have to do many things today ill. see you later Betty said to Michelle

Why are you smiling like that it's so weird MJ said to Betty said

Oh sorry Betty said as she says snapping out of it

So you gonna have sex with Peter Betty said

Uh yeah that's the plan Michelle said uncomfortably

It bet it's gonna be sweet Betty said

You know my first was so awkward but it got better Betty said

Oh uh I didn't know that we'll who is it MJ said

Betty looks confused and says I didn't tell didn't I it was Ned I thought you know Betty said

Are you two dating again Michelle says surprised but the same not

No, we tried but we're mostly fuck buddies Betty said causally

When Michelle chokes on air while Betty laughs at her

You know he's good at-Betty said as Michelle quickly interpreted her saying ok I get it I don't need to hear any more

A chuckling Betty says ok let's get to the bugle I'm already late today

It was the last week of school and it went by very slowly

Michelle took her dad's advice and cut down the number of days of the decathlon practices for that week

She also asked her boss Tim if she could use this holiday time from working at home

which Tim allowed on one condition that she would come the next two weeks so he can in instruct her on what to do next

Michelle also finished and turned in all her college applications to her delight

Betty and Michelle have been planning the party with some input from her mother and there

On the last day of school, Betty went around to the seniors and some of the juniors in their school much to Michelle's dismay

Betty said she was having a summer party for Michelle's birthday and many people didn't know who michelle is

Which Michelle found hilarious and also very fitting because many of them said, Betty throws an awesome party

Since Betty knows that just as everyone at this school does she has everyone's number so she will text them this time comes

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