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I had never done this before I want to and I know you don't MJ said to Peter in a whisper getting closer to him

Peter glanced around to make sure no one was looking around making sure no one was watching them

What's wrong Peter said as MJ grabbed his wrist and dragged him towards the room

Where they had previously made out

Peter figured out what she meant she was asking for help meant she wanted to do something more

Once in the door and the door was closed Peter turned to her wanting to know what happened

What now Peter said as he noticed MJs smirk to know what was going to happen

um  are you sure about this MJ I've never done this before and uh I- Peter said as MJ kissed him shutting him he has to say next to let him know that what she wanted

As she pushed him into the bed kissing him passionately as Peter leaned in

Oh my sweet boy I want This I want you MJ said kissing him again

She pulled away kissing his neck and taking off her shirt as Peter stopped her

Um wait are you sure about this like your- Peter said as MJ rolled her eyes at him but also appreciated that he is so caring about it she silence him again kissing him

What do you think genius MJ said

I'm sorry Im just new to this and I didn't want to feel like you were expecting it or anything like that Peter said softly

appreciate that spider boy now shut up and take off my clothes for me babe MJ said

Ok sure peter said

She was raising her hands letting Peter help her take off her shirt showing her black garment

He pushed her kissing her neck

Your beautiful Peter said after kissing her lips and then her neck

Ooh yes Peter don't stop MJ said

He was smiling and kept kissing her body

He kissed her chest then down to her belly button giving it a quick kiss

He was doing this out of breath about how much his heart beating so fast hearing Hers be the same as his

He then gave  permission to take off her jeans and she nodded her head

He unbuttoned it and then kissed her waist after he was done undoing it

He gave her permission to take off his shirt Showing his rock-hard abs

As she was admiring his body to her it felt she was in heaven

Peter was flustered the way she stared it and the way she looked at him

It was like they were forgetting to breathe all the sudden

She touched and pushed him down so she could on top kissing him feverishly to him

She touched her bra gesturing him to take it off her Which he did he had trouble finding the clasp of it then it was later on undone

When it came undone he saw her breasts my god were they beautiful

He couldn't help but admire them as MJ started to lose her breath from his gaze

Then She was kissing up and down his chest rubbing her hands on his abs and fingering it

As Peter groaned from the touch being out of breath being memorized by her beauty and how good she looked being on top of him half naked Making feel good his heart and his boner going the effect MJ has on him is a lot

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