The Candle with Agony

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Warning: 18+ content, kidnapping, and physical abuse 

Notes: None

Word Count: 2k 

"So, mote, it be," you whispered as your lit match ignited the candle. A few moments had passed, and you could still hear the owls hooting, and a few cars passing by. You looked up to still see your room dark and vacant, then you looked down to read the spell book again. The pages were quickly flipped as your eyes scanned through the spells, your fingers going down the spell words, and your teeth biting down your tongue.

'How can this be?' you thought to yourself, 'I did everything right! Where is the Sandman?' The room was still silent with the faint sound of the clock ticking and your shallow breathing. With a grunt and a huff, you got up from the floor and blew the candle flame out. "The damn spell was floozy, fake, and stupid," you said as you began to remove your clothes, "I just want to know if he has the answers." The clothes were thrown into your laundry basket, as you began to open your drawer to reveal your pajamas. You slipped into your pajamas and turned on your room light, so you can pick up your failed ritual. As you held up the book, you closed the book and stared at the title. With anger, you threw the book across the room, and screamed, "Fuck you to Hell!"

You softly chuckled and remembered that books can't talk, and they never will. Your fingers tangled your hair, and your eyes began to tear. It was a failed ritual, and you know it. Uncovering the bed sheets, you turned off the lamp by your bed and tucked yourself into your blankets. Sighing to yourself, you wonder what if the ritual was a success? Would it mean the Sandman himself would appear in front of you, knowing the answers to your questions? 'Yes' you thought to yourself, 'He knows all.'

Closing your eyes, and your breathing becoming more shallow and shallow, the darkness consumed you. At first, all you saw was pitch black with nothing surrounding you, you looked down to see your arms and feet. Then the setting changed to a starry night, planets and constellations ringing around you. You could name a couple of the constellations, like the big dipper, the little dipper, and Orion's belt. However, it all changed, the stars became brighter and brighter. You covered your eyes and screamed in agony. The light had blinded you, and you could feel the heat of the stars burning your skin.

Then, the burning sensation stopped, and the lights grew dim. You slowly opened your eyes to see a gray landscape, with a large stone building in shambles. As you walked towards the building, you saw it was designed as a kingdom. A broken kingdom with barely anyone walking down the streets. The entrance was open, and there stood a slender person. Upon further inspection, you saw that it was a man wearing black clothing that covered every inch of his body, but his lean snow-like face and hands. A crow was sitting on his shoulder as if they were waiting for the man to say a command, it stared at you with its soulless eyes, which made you feel uncomfortable. However, the man was worse, as his eyes were burning through your skull, his face was stern and his posture was rigid. You continued walking down the pathway until you were a couple of feet away from the man. It seemed like you had lost your voice because you couldn't say anything, like who was he, and where are you. The crow cawed, and the man didn't say a word.

There was silence, and finally, you found your voice. "Hello, my name is (Y/N)," you said with a calm tone, "I hope you don't mind me asking who you are and where am I?" The man continued to stare at you with his cold blue eyes as if the ice were his eyes instead. He spoke for the first time in a stern tone, "I do mind. I have countless names. Some know me as Dream, Lord Morpheus...The Endless...However, my notable name is the Sandman." When you heard the name Sandman, your heart stopped for a second, and your hands trembled. It took all your strength to not fall to the dirt ground and scream. Instead, you gazed at the Sandman and took deep breaths trying to calm yourself down. The entity you were looking for, for years, and hours and hours finally paid off. You took a final deep breath and asked, "Then, does that mean I'm at your kingdom? You're truly the Sandman?"

So, Mote, It Be | Dark! Morpheus x F! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now