Are You With Me?

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Warning: Physical abuse, and manipulation

Notes: It seems like Morpheus is trying to rebuild the relationship, how sweet of him.

Word count: 2.4k

"That should be enough," Morpheus said to himself, he was still in the bathroom washing your bloodied and dirty dress from your recent escape. It was a blessing disguised as a punishment, as he commanded you to remove the dress from your stunt, so he can wash it. He laid it on the bathtub to dry from the sunlight hitting the window, and went back to his room. Morpheus picked up your dream book and began to flip through the pages. What he had realized is that since you've been here, you haven't dreamt. The last sentence of the book has remained the same for the last couple of days. Despite this, he's glad you haven't had any nightmares since you've been here, especially after you met with Corinthian. Morpheus has been trying to contain Corinthian for years and years, but it was always useless. Corinthian would find a way to escape from the dreaming realm, into the waking realm to create chaos and murder the innocent. His hands clenched, along with his jaw, his knees folded with his chin laying on his hand as he sat on his chair thinking. Before he started to create a flawless plan, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Morpheus stated, his eyes staring at the door when it opened. It was Lucienne poking her head out, before entering the room. She entered the room and closed the door, not moving an inch away from the door. "Lord Morpheus," Lucienne said, "I know you hate being questioned, but I hope you're not neglecting your duties. A lot of dream books haven't been updated for a while. Is everything al-" Before she could finish her sentence, Morpheus raised his hand to motion her to stop. Lucienne bowed her head and whispered sorry, she knew she shouldn't have questioned Morpheus. She was hoping to distract him so she could find the door that leads to the woman he has imprisoned.

There was silence in the room as he continued to stare at her with his head tilted down, Lucienne continued to look at the floor. "Lucienne, I understand your concern," Morpheus began to explain, with his hands folded on his lap, "Yes, I've been neglecting my duties, but I've been attending to private matters. Surely, you understand." Lucienne nodded and fixed her glasses to cover up her fear, she was afraid the fear would be noticeable, hence why she hasn't sought him for days. She kept her distance from him in hopes of removing that fear, but it's only gotten worse. Lucienne couldn't stop thinking about you, and she hoped you were alright. Morpheus dismissed her, and as she walked out of the door, she looked down the hallway and sighed. 'One day,' she thought to herself.

Corinthian was still in the room when you woke up from your small nap. Your eyes were groggy and your body ached from the weird position you slept in. He looked at you as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, and began to fix your hair. When you shifted, he saw you had no clothes on but rather undergarments, "Why don't you have clothes?" he questioned while pointing at you, "Did he take them away?" You looked at him with cold eyes as you tightened the blanket around you, and nodded.

Corinthian's eyebrow raised and muttered a wow. He got up from the bed and began to walk around the cell. His head went around and whistled as he looked at the cell. The cell was large enough for you to move around as it was 15 steps in length and 6 steps in width, there was no window but rather three small shelves that held 3 candles from each wall of the cell, and the walls were made of stone with the floor being made of stone slabs. Your bed was of a stone slab, however, the bed sheets made it more comfortable, regardless no matter how many bedsheets you may have, the stone material made the room colder than any other room. "Wow, this is sad," he said with a pitiful tone, "Don't you want to live better? Are you even happy?"

You continued to stare at him, as he stood in the middle with his hands inside his pocket and showing off his white teeth smile. "You know," he said while kicking the floor and looking down, "You could live better if you were with me." After hearing him, you thought to yourself. Could Corinthian give you the freedom you always wanted? Could Corinthian help you destroy Morpheus? Where do you stand with Morpheus? "(Y/N), think about it," he began to say as he walked over to you, "All you gotta do is hold my hand and I'll do the rest. I won't hurt you."

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