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Warning: Body injury

Notes: Sorry for the late chapter, I got sidetracked a lot

Word count: 7.1k

Your eyes open from the sunlight peeking through the curtains, you raise your hand to protect your eyes from the sun, then slowly stretch your body on the bed. Bones were cracking and your groans slipped out of your mouth. Looking to your right, you saw Morpheus still resting; however, his face looked restless due to his eyebrows furrowing, and his lips frowning. Placing your hand against his cheek, his face softly smoothed and you could see him visibly relax under your touch. Then, you heard soft and shallow coos coming from Matthew, who was resting near your chest; his eyes were closed as his claws were tucked into his chest; you moved your hand to touch his head and said, "Hang in there, Matt." He didn't respond to you, but you didn't expect him to, even though you wanted him to. You got up from the bed; however, you knelt on the floor from the sudden wave of nausea. Your head was throbbing from the sudden movement, your throat was burning, and your legs felt weak. However, you knew you had to check yourself in the mirror to see the extent of your injuries. All you knew was that Matthew was in worse shape than anyone. 

Slowly, you began to walk into the bathroom, you held onto the bed frame, drawers, and any furniture to aid you in walking. Your back began to ache, and your feet began to have a tingling sensation on them, by the time you faced the mirror. You cracked your shoulders and began to remove the dress slowly as possible to not hurt yourself even more. When the dress fell to the floor, you gasped at the injuries you had. Your ribs were covered in purple bruises; your wrists had cuts all around with small pieces of glass still stuck, and your legs were filled with small cuts. The worst of all was your back; it had large bruises the size of your fist, and you could see a large imprint on your shoulder when Corinthian slammed you to the ground. Then, you began to check your stomach, and due to your pregnancy still being in the early stages, you weren't sure if anything happened to the baby. Your hands rubbed around your stomach as you checked for any bruises and cuts, and luckily there were no injuries. However, you weren't completely sure of the baby's health; you just had to wait to see if your symptoms were still happening. In the meantime, you decided to take a bath to remove some of the dried blood on your arms and legs and relieve your sore muscles. When the bathwater was running, you carefully walked over to the bed to see Morpheus was still sleeping, and Matthew was still staying in one position. You decided Matthew should have his own space so you and Morpheus don't accidentally hurt him.

You looked around to see some towels inside Morpheus' dresser and laid the towels on top of the drawer. You shaped the towels into a circle like a bird's nest and walked over to Matthew to transport him into the makeshift nest. Matthew's eyes were still closed, but you could feel his breathing with your hands. With careful and slow movements you picked up Matthew and walked over to place him inside the nest. He didn't move once when you placed him in the nest, but you couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. When you saw the bathtub was ready, you walked over to the bathroom to remove your undergarments and step inside the bathtub. It felt lonely, without Morpheus by your side in the bathtub, he would always make you lean on him to rest and just relax. You grabbed a nearby rag and began to wash the dried blood off your body, and carefully examined your wrists. Thankfully, you were able to remove some glass off your skin, but some glass needs tweezers so it can be removed completely. You began to wash your hair as you stared off into the distance. Your mind wasn't resting because it was being filled with thoughts, and you wanted it to end. 'You should've acted faster', 'Matthew is dying because of you', 'You're a weak human', and 'You're stupid and worthless' were thoughts filling your head. Small tears began to flow down your face as your thoughts became louder by the second, which led to you collapsing into your hands and crying. You tried to gasp for air, but it was useless; your chest and throat began to hurt from the crying and silent screams you were doing. Controlling your breathing, you lay down in the bathtub and looked up at the ceiling.

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