At Last

576 10 7

Warning: Sexual content (like a LOT)

Notes: Forever, at last! Sorry for the late update, I'm getting ready for a medical procedure. #MatthewCan'tCatchABreak

Word count: 8.3k

It had been three months since your common enemy was gone. Morpheus released Corinthian from the gem to uncreate him. This marked a new beginning for everyone. Ever since the defeat of Corinthian, your mind was finally at peace. For the first time, you can sleep well and focus on your health. Especially, with the baby coming the way, you had to make sure you were healthy, or else Morpheus would lose himself. Your relationship with Morpheus grew into something extraordinary; when he promised to change, he delivered. Morpheus was always there by your side when your pregnancy continued throughout the months. Whenever you had difficulty sleeping, he would blow sand on your face, making you rest throughout the night in peace. If your back was hurting, he would apply a cream to soothe the pain and insist he would stay by your side for every waking moment. However, he would also make sure you would have your own time. During your alone time, you would walk around Fiddlers' Green with Matthew or Lucienne, and occasionally you would walk around the kingdom, reading the books Lucienne gave you. However, what you didn't know is that during your alone time Morpheus would go to the nearby jewelry shop to craft a ring. For weeks, he would travel there to work with the jeweler on creating the perfect one for you, hoping you would say yes. After weeks had passed by, the ring was ready. It was time for the moment of truth.

You were oblivious to what Morpheus was planning; he would ensure Matthew would keep you busy, and never adventure around the villages nearby, or else you would find him. When Morpheus told Matthew the ring was ready. Matthew was ecstatic because it would mean you two would be bound together. Matthew always wanted you two to be together because he realized that you two balanced each other out. He knew you would be able to take care of Morpheus if something was to happen to him or Lucienne. Ever since the ring was ready, Morpheus would take you out for walks, or other places inside your dreams. You were a bit suspicious of what was happening, but you didn't dwell on it for long because you just wanted to embrace the moment. "(Y/N), how do you feel about staying here," asked Morpheus, he was holding your hand and walking you down the river of Fiddlers' Green. It was nighttime, with the stars twinkling, and the river reflecting the moonlight. You stopped walking and looked at him, "That's a strange question," you replied, "I mean, I'm going to stay here forever, no? We're having a kid together. Do you think I'm going to leave this place?"

"Well..." Morpheus whispered while looking at the river, "I would assume you want to go back home, to see your family again. To live a normal life with the child. Do you think the child can live normally here?" You touched his cheek and began to stroke it while looking into his eyes, with a soft smile. Morpheus looked at you and looked away again to glance at the river. Sighing, you said, "I don't have a family to go back to. As for our child, I want to stay here; it's not just my child, it's ours. We can make the best out of it, besides our child will have fun messing with Matthew." Morpheus chuckled and placed his hand on top of yours while looking into your eyes. His right hand slithered into his coat pocket, and his fingers touched the velvet box. Morpheus was debating if he should propose right now or when you get back to the kingdom. You could tell something was on his mind, so you kissed his cheek and whispered, "What's on your mind, Morpheus? Tell me."

Morpheus moved your hand away and looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed. He kneeled on the floor and took out the box. "Marry me," Morpheus said while opening the box. "That is what's on my mind, (Y/N). I can't bear ruling the kingdom without you by my side as queen of the dreaming realm." Your body froze with your eyes looking down at the velvet box to see the ring; a black gold ring with a round cut ruby and two small round rubies on the sides. Your heart began to beat fast, as your palms got sweaty, and you were speechless. Morpheus' hands slowly shook as his eyes were darting around because he was taking your silence as a no. Before he got up, you yelled, "Yes, Morpheus." Morpheus smiled and embraced you in a hug. His arms wrapped around your waist as he began to kiss your forehead. "I was afraid you were going to say no," he whispered into your ear. "Thank you for not saying no." You smiled at him as he slipped the ring into your finger, and he held your hand to kiss your knuckles. "Even if I said no, we'll always be bound together, because of our kid," you said in a joking way, "Or, you know...You can just lock me inside the cell again." Morpheus let go of your hand to stare into your eyes, with his lips tight. You smiled at him with your teeth showing and you patted his shoulder, "It's...a...joke, Morpheus. A joke." You said, Morpheus bit his lip and sighed.

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