A Trip Written On The Books

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Warning: 18+ content, SA, somnophilia, and mention of pregnancy 

Notes: This has semi-dark undertones

Somnophilia A form of sexual fetish where the person desires to have sex with someone unresponsive/unconscious 

Word count: 2.3k

As he walked away from the door and entered his chambers, he stared outside the windows. His mind was filled with worries for his citizens, and kingdom, however, most of all, what will he do to you? Perhaps he should starve you, or beat you until you're black and blue. Or maybe, he shall plant his seed inside you. Just imagining a mere mortal carrying his child. 'It would be like the old days when I had stability' he wondered, 'A child to call my own, and the woman as the mother. That child will take over when I'm gone. She's the perfect vessel.' That sinful thought excited him. However, seeing you in pain, and crying for mercy is his number one priority now. He was aware he shouldn't abandon his duties as the ruler of his realm, but he knew he also needed to punish the woman who wronged him. While he was aware, you just wanted answers for your loved ones, his experience with other humans made him lack empathy. He couldn't bear letting you go now.

You were his to keep, after all, you summoned him. Why let you go? What if you did the summoning again, but this time successful? He would be stuck in the waking world for years, and he couldn't bear the pain if it happened again. Lost in his head, he didn't hear the knock on his chamber door. In fact, he didn't hear his trusted librarian Lucienne walk by him. It was only when she spoke, he broke his thoughts. "Lord Morpheus?" she whispered behind him, "Do you mind me questioning something? I want to make sure-"

"Yes, I do mind. Lucienne, busy yourself in the library. I don't need you meddling with my problems," he replied with a cold tone, his back still facing her as he continued to stare outside the window. "I just need more privacy than usual, Lucienne. You'll understand." Lucienne's eyebrows scrunched up as he finished his sentence. 'What is he doing?' she thought to herself 'I know he wants privacy but...' She looked up as Morpheus turned around and faced her. He walked closer to her, as his face grew cold and his eyes stared into her soul. For the first time, she felt fear. Her hands slowly trembled, as she fixed her glasses and nodded. He waved her off, and she walked away from the room. As she closed the door, she leaned against the wall and took deep breaths. She couldn't believe it...She felt fear for the first time for the man she served for years. It was a foreign feeling, and she hated it. Knowing that Morpheus was still in his room, she brushed off her clothes and began to walk to the library. She took a mental note to do something sooner than later.

Morpheus sighed and began to think more about you. His smile became more crooked as he began to finalize your punishment. For now, he shall keep you locked down in the dungeon while using you for his desires. Then when the moment is right, he shall propose to you a solution. Have you bare his child, and then make you his queen for the realm. However, that's only if you prove to him as a useful mortal. If he deems you useless, then he knows he will have a fun time inflicting pain and torture on you, until your face is swelled up from tears and your will breaks. Morpheus is full-on aware, he will have great pleasure destroying you mentally and breaking you piece by piece. A part of him wants to see you resist his temptations, and fight back, but another part of him wants to see you submit to his desires, and obey him with undying loyalty. But for now, he must take it slowly so he can enjoy the corruption pathway set for you because he knows that's more pleasurable than doing it quickly and there's no fun in doing it quickly.

For now, he shall wait for the right moment to see you again. However, he wonders how you're doing now. He hopes you're screaming for help, and your face is red from sobbing too hard. Or maybe, you're still dazed or even knocked out. Morpheus wanted to go downstairs to check on you, but patience is key. So, he walked to his throne room with a book in his hand. It wasn't just any book, rather it was something that intrigued him. A book that has all of your nightly dreams, and he wanted to read what you had dreamt before. A king of dreams, he should be able to remember what you dreamt about, but he has been neglecting his duties lately. Morpheus flipped through each page of your dreams, each page was different from other books he read. Your first page was you when you were a toddler, it was a simple dream, just you holding on to your mother and babbling away. Then he flipped to when you were 6, a dream that replayed how you saw your mother, and sister asleep on the bed, you were crying and asking your dad what was happening. Your dad was sitting next to your mother with a blank face, he didn't move or answer your question.

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