Hello to Trickery

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Warning: Manipulation, mentions of starvation

Notes: Time for Morpheus to use the hot/cold manipulation method (almost), I don't recommend people use it.

Word count: 3.1k

Lying down on your awkward bed, you stared at the ceiling in silence while the candles flickered. Soreness from your jaw, dryness in your throat, endless hunger from your stomach, and dried tears sticking to your face, wasn't the state of living you had in mind. When you heard you were going to be punished, you assumed it was about getting hit, or being drenched in cold water as you would see in movies. You scoffed and cursed yourself for being so stupid. This type of punishment was worse. Shifting your body to the side, you looked at your knuckles with the blood still dripping. The white sheets were now painted red, as your hands grasp onto the bed sheets. Grabbing onto the bed sheets was giving you comfort, almost like a baby grabbing onto their mother's clothes when they want their mother's attention. The word mother slipped through your mind. Mother, the word that would make you feel pain, an endless misery that struck your heart, and filled your head with memories of your mother lying on her bed asleep.

You grabbed onto the bedsheets and tears began to stream down your face as your mouth whispered the word, mother, over and over again. The reason you summoned the Sandman was for answers on why your mother couldn't wake up for years, along with your friends and family. But most of all, your mother, the woman who gave you comfort and love, the emotions your father couldn't give you. The warmth of her skin, the smoothness of her voice, and the softness of her eyes as she would look at you, you just wanted to experience that again. The grip of the bed sheets softened as you began to shift around in the sheets to catch some sleep, something to pass the time in this pit of Hell, you must call home. Despite your wanting to rest, the word mother still lingered in your mind, as if it was a parasite, and it bothered you. Shutting your eyes, you let out a bloodcurdling scream and began to bang the bedsheets while your legs kicked out with no control. "Mom!" you yelled, "Mom." No matter how much you tried to scream, no one could hear you. What was the point? Why not just give up, and know this is your destiny? 'This isn't who I am,' you thought to yourself, 'I will leave this place.' After screaming, you felt more at ease as your breathing became more collected and your body became less tense. A minute later, you fell asleep.

Morpheus was in his chambers while reading the rest of your dream book, nothing struck him as interesting, so he set the book down by his chair. What happened earlier, didn't cross his mind, rather he was living life as normal, even though it wasn't. Morpheus got up and began to walk around his room, fixing his coat and thinking to himself, 'What more shall I do?' Nothing came to mind, as his mind was silent and blank. As he went to lie on his bed, a pecking sound was heard on his window. Looking up, he saw it was Matthew wanting to get inside. Morpheus walked up and opened the door for him, "Matthew." he said. Matthew replied by saying hello, and flew to stand on top of Morpheus' left shoulder. Morpheus looked at Matthew and his eyes wandered away as he asked, "What did you tell (Y/N)? What have you learned about her?" His voice displayed no emotion as his eyes stared at his bedroom wall while Matthew stared at Morpheus.

"I learned she likes cats," Matthew said while scratching his head, "That's all I learned. Sorry, master." Morpheus slowly turned his head to Matthew and looked at him with stoic eyes, and slowly blinked. "That's all?" Morpheus said, the tone of his voice made Matthew caw and he flew off of Morpheus' shoulder. Matthew shook his head, yes, and Morpheus raised his eyebrow. Shifting his eyes to stare outside the window that displayed the starry night, he began to focus on the word cat. Matthew stood on top of Morpheus' bed frame and looked at Morpheus as his face began to shift around in glee. For once, he saw Morpheus' face was happy, and it looked unnatural. Morpheus' eyes widened, as his lips had a crooked smile and his arms crossed around his chest. Morpheus loved this new piece of information, he could do anything with this piece of information, and he knew exactly what to do. Turning his head to Matthew, he said, "Thank you, Matthew." Matthew stared at him and said nothing. He didn't understand why Morpheus was thanking him, it was just simple trivia. At least, that's what Matthew thought, but what Morpheus thought was something different. An Endless has many abilities, and one of those abilities is to shapeshift. When Matthew left under his order, Morpheus began to chuckle, finally, he can have more ways to break your will. His chuckle began to turn more distorted as his face began to twist, and he continued to laugh until he went silent.

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