Down The River

872 19 7

Warning: None

Notes: #JusticeforMatthew #KingMatthew

Word count: 4.0k

It had been two weeks since the argument between you and Morpheus, it could've ended better; however, your personalities clashed with one another, which made everything even more difficult. Morpheus respected your decision to leave you alone in his chambers, with Matthew coming by every day to drop off food and water. You made sure Matthew didn't stay a minute later, because you wanted complete silence and isolation. After the argument, all you can think of is what you told him, 'If you don't change, then I'll run to Corinthian.' Since then, your head has never rested, as it was swirling with insecurities and thoughts of how to face Morpheus again, and because of this, you couldn't rest well. A part of you wanted Morpheus to come back, but you were afraid. "Talk about being a hypocrite," you laughed at yourself. "I accused him of manipulation when I did the same thing he did. I became someone I'm not, that day." Staring outside the window, you saw it began to rain again for the second time this week, and your blanket was wrapped around your shoulders, as you sat down on his chair. Since the argument, the weather of the dreaming realm has drastically changed, it was cold during the night to the point your teeth clattered and you would hug your body to preserve warmth, and during the day it would be cloudy with occasional rain storms. "I can't believe this is happening," you whispered to yourself, while your hands tightened their grip on the blanket. "It makes me wonder if Morpheus' emotions are tied to the weather."

You couldn't be farther from the truth, as for the last two weeks Morpheus has returned to his stoic self, yelling at Lucienne in the library, throwing his books at her, overworking Mervyn in the gardens, and worse of all, Matthew would constantly be the victim of Morpheus' wrath. Morpheus would belittle Matthew whenever he could see the opportunity, with the occasional lecture that Matthew didn't try hard enough to help him with you. Due to the whirlpool of his emotions and becoming unstable, he would subconsciously manipulate the weather on how he felt. In fact, Morpheus was in the middle of unraveling his wrath against Matthew, and his kingdom almost flooded. It wasn't until Lucienne defended Matthew and used her guts to tell Morpheus off. Since that dispute with Matthew, Morpheus has locked himself in the throne room to sit down on his throne and think. This happened for days until Matthew slipped into the throne room to fly over to Morpheus. Matthew knew there would be consequences to his actions, but he could feel the distress from you and Morpheus, and he desperately wanted there to be a reconnection.

Morpheus pressed his lips together, with his legs crossed over and his hand laying on his chin. As Matthew flew closer to Morpheus, his eyes narrowed, and looked away from Matthew with a grunt. "Lord Morpheus," Matthew said while flying down to stand in front of Morpheus, deep down he was scared to the core as his feathers ruffled, and couldn't look Morpheus in the eyes. "This needs to end, you know. She's not feeling well, and you're returning to your nasty self. Please, Morpheus try to-" Morpheus raised his hand and shook his head; he stood up from his throne and walked over to Morpheus; he kneeled while looking straight at Matthew. "It is not my decision when she finally turns around, I can't force it on her," Morpheus explained in an exasperating tone, "If I even dare come close to the door, then she will loathe me for not respecting her wishes." Matthew shook his head, and tapped the floor with his claws; he hummed, and then looked at Morpheus. "Do you not see? What you've been doing, to us, to me, to you, and her? You've become this..." Matthew said before clearing his throat and then whispered, "Tyrant." Morpheus' eyes widened as his eyebrows arched and his breathing became shallow before his raised hand could hit Matthew, Matthew stood up for himself for the first time and bit Morpheus with his beak. Morpheus' hand recoiled as he hissed in pain while screaming at Matthew for biting him.

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