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Warning: Character death, manipulation, and heavy violence

Notes: #MatthewTakingOneForTheTeam

Word count: 5.9k

Two weeks have passed since the evidence that Corinthian has returned to your life. Within those two weeks, Morpheus had become more possessive than usual and insisted you never leave his sight. Morpheus demanded you stay in the room with him or Matthew; you couldn't refuse either way because he would lock you in. You understood his behavior change, but you also wanted Morpheus to understand you could handle yourself. However, this would lead to arguments and lectures that you didn't have the energy for. Due to pregnancy, you were more tired than usual, with symptoms becoming stronger. Your throat ached from throwing up, your stomach would have intense cramps as if someone was stabbing you, and you couldn't eat everything that was given to you. Morpheus tried to find food that you could eat, and after trial and error, the only food you could eat were blueberries, potatoes, carrots, and chicken. While it seemed like a nightmare, it was a blessing in disguise because you would always eat blueberry muffins with Matthew. Morpheus wanted to assign you a personal crow, but you insisted that Matthew was the best crow anyone could have.

"I think if I eat one more muffin, I'm going to die," Matthew complained while lying down on the kitchen island, his beak covered in muffin crumbs and he was spreading his wings. You began to laugh at him while eating your fifth muffin of the day. Matthew said he could eat up to 3 muffins a day, but he only ate two and wanted to tap out. "Matthew," you said while laughing and placing another muffin next to him. "You told me you could eat three, so eat up, unless you want to admit defeat." Matthew got up with a groan and turned his head to look at the blueberry muffin. He then looked at you and asked, "Do you want to split the muffin?" You smiled and scoffed at him before nodding your head yes. Matthew jumped on the kitchen table in excitement; as his tail swayed, he began to eat the split muffin with you. It was a calming and refreshing moment from the reality that was happening because deep down you were worried about when Corinthian would come back. Ever since you had the nightmare, your sleeping schedule was all over the place, because there were days you would sleep for 3 hours or 5 hours. When you would wake up, you would immediately look for Morpheus and touch your stomach; luckily he would always be by your side and comfort you as best he could when you would wake up. Lately, you've been able to sleep up to 7 hours, since Morpheus decided to enter your dreams and stay by your side.

Thanks to his idea, you were able to have the energy to bake muffins with Matthew; however, it was without Morpheus' permission. While you were eating your muffin, you heard loud footsteps coming toward the kitchen. Matthew stopped eating his muffin and looked at you. Matthew immediately flew on your shoulder and ruffled his feathers to prepare to protect you, while you stood still and kept your eye on the knife near you. The kitchen door swung open to reveal Morpheus twitching his eye and a throbbing vein on his neck. "Care to explain what you're doing here?" Morpheus said in a cold tone while walking over to you, "I've demanded you to stay in the room with Matthew when I'm gone for business, but no. You disobey me!"

You looked up at Morpheus and bit your lip; he was right, you did disobey him but you knew you couldn't stay in the room forever. "Morpheus," you began. "I understand, but please listen to me. I can't stand staying in that room forever! Matthew and I wanted to do something fun for once. Look at me, Morpheus. I'm okay and alive. Isn't that what matters?" Morpheus walked over to you and placed his hand on your chin to make you look up; he placed his forehead on yours and whispered, "(Y/N), I'm scared for your safety. I've tried to look for him, but he's gone. I want you to be safe." You patted his shoulder and replied, "I understand Morpheus but understand I'm not alone, I'm with Matthew. He was ready to fight anyone who was coming through the door."

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