Deception of Freedom

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Warning: SA, sexual content, non-con (mild), somnophilia (mild) & physical abuse

Notes: Be aware of the warnings! Somnophilia makes a comeback, whoops.

Somnophilia: A form of fetish where the person desires to have sex with someone unresponsive/unconscious

Word count: 3.8k

Darkness was around you, as you continued to lay on the bed with your eyes closed shut. When you began to gain consciousness, your eyelids felt heavy and you held your head yearning for relief as it was pounding repeatedly. The cell was consumed by darkness since the candles had died away, and it was impossible to see in front of you. The dryness from your throat prevented you from yelling for help and calling out for Morpheus. Your hands touched your face to wipe away your streaming tears because as childish as it was, you were deeply scared of the dark. Your body was pushed to the wall, as you tighten your grip around your knees, whispering for help. The inner child of yours was coming out, as you looked around to see the stillness of the dark. There was no sound to be heard, and nothing to be seen. "Help!" you screamed out as tears streamed down your face, "Someone please." The silence of the room disappeared as you heard a cat meow. Your head twisted around to see where the meow was coming from. Then there was a dip on the bed, and you felt the familiar cat fur you loved. The cat returned.

"Cat?" you whispered, "You've returned, oh my god, please come over here" Your tears continued to stream down, as you snatched the cat from the bed and hugged it tightly. Morpheus meowed for air, and to be let go. Hearing those meows, your grip lessened on the cat and you whispered a sorry to the cat. Morpheus laid on your lap and meowed while his eyes looked at your dried tears. "It was horrible, cat," you began to explain, "Wait, should I continue to call you the cat? I mean, it sounds degrading, maybe Astro? I..." you let out a sigh and began to play with your hair to calm yourself down. A small habit that you formed as a child when you would begin to feel terrible anxiety in the pit of your stomach, and then you shook your head. "Sorry, I digress. There was a man here earlier..." you muttered, "It wasn't Lord Morpheus, but someone different. A tall blond-haired man, with sunglasses." Morpheus growled with his ears pinned back after he heard the man's description. 

'Corinthian' he thought to himself. Your hands began to pet the cat from the head to the tail, as you spaced off in the room. The room was still dark, and you were trying to stay calm and controlled. You began to try to reason with yourself, maybe it was a test from Morpheus, maybe he would return to save you like always, maybe the candles would light up again, just maybe.

Relaxing and staying in control was not how you felt, instead it led to impulsive action. Pushing the cat away from your lap, you ran to the cell door and began to tug on it. "Let me out!" you screamed, "Please someone, help me." The cell door wouldn't budge which led to more desperation. Your breathing began to get quicker as you screamed with all your heart out, not caring if your voice gave out. Banging on the cell door, and then tugging it was a repeated action as you cried. Tug, bang, tug, bang, tug, bang. Screams echoed in the empty cell as you began to tug on your hair and kneel on the floor. 

The darkness was too much for you to handle, along with what has been happening for the last couple of days. Morpheus jumped down on the bed and stood next to you as you began to cry again, his imaginary eyebrows raised after he saw what you had done. When the tugging and the banging sounds didn't echo the room, it would be your screams or your quickened breathing. Morpheus was amazed by your behavior, he had to be honest, he wasn't the one who took out the candles, it must have been Corinthian. Morpheus decided to meow again which made your head turn over to him, you raised your hand to pet him but you stopped last minute and instead kept to yourself.

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