The Beast Returns

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Warning: Physical abuse and manipulation

Notes: The cat is out of the bag, literally. 

Word count: 1.7k

Your heart was beating fast as you saw the woman by the door, quickly Morpheus tried to shut the door, but the woman overpowered him and entered the room. The woman looks at you with curiosity and stands by the chair. "Lord Morpheus, answer me," she said in a commanding tone, "Who is she?" Morpheus looked at her and then at you, as he closed the door. "She is (Y/N), she's just a guest," he replies, "Nothing else, leave Lucienne." The woman stands face to face with him, as he looks at her with a stoic face. "Do you not understand how idiotic it is to bring a human here!" she began to raise her voice, "Is this why you've been neglecting your duties? You promised me, you would rebuild the dreaming realm, but you're here with her." Morpheus' eye began to twitch as his fist clenched, and his posture was hunching over her. That alone could tell how he was feeling, and Lucienne was pushing his buttons. "You do not tell me how to run my kingdom," he said with a gruff, "I can do anything I want! I am king Morpheus, lord of the dream and nightmares. I rule this realm on how I want to." His fists continued to clench as he began to breathe heavily. You wanted to stop the argument but you didn't want to get hurt in the end. Lucienne looks at him as she clenches the book, "Then you are the worst king out there, you're willing to destroy your realm for her?"

You gasped after she said that, and what happened next was in slow motion. Morpheus yells as he raises his hand and connects to Lucienne's face, she falls to the floor as Morpheus' hand lowers down. Lucienne cries in agony as she tries to pick up her glasses, as Morpheus continues to scream at her, "You must know your position in this realm, you're just a librarian, nothing else!" After hearing his screams, you rushed to the bathroom and locked the door behind you. Your hands trembled as you tried to collect your thoughts. Your eyes began to water, and you sat in the bathroom corner, farthest from the door. His screams could be heard through the door, "See what you've done, Lucienne! You made her run away, you should've left when you had the chance." Lucienne began to mumble something, but then you heard another slap. You held to your knees as you began to feel nauseous, your eyes were beginning to close and your hands becoming shaky.

Afterward, you heard Lucienne get up and out of the room. You could hear her crying in pain as she left, Morpheus' footsteps came close to the door and he knocked. "(Y/N), get out of the bathroom," he said in a cold tone, "Don't make me ask again." Trying to find your voice, you let go of your knees and tried to stand up, but you fell to the ground again. You looked up to the door and answered, "Go away Morpheus. Leave me alone." Morpheus began to bang on the door, and try the knob. Then he knocked on the door softly, but it would lead to another bang. "Let me in, (Y/N)!" he screamed as he began to kick at the door. The door began to have cracks. You continued to scream to be left alone, and eventually, all you heard was silence. Morpheus slid down to the floor and put his back against the door as he looked forward. His fists were clenched, with his shoulders tensed, as he tried to control his breathing.

However, his emotions got the best of him as he got up and grabbed his chair to throw it against the wall. Morpheus let out his yelling, as he began to throw his bedroom items against the floor and walls, his drawer of clothes was thrown out, his dresser door yanked out with the fall echoing in the room, and his bedsheets ripped to shreds laying on the floor. He broke the vanity mirror with his fists, and his blood stained it. Meanwhile, you were covering your ears and trying to control your breathing, trying to maintain great control of your emotions but it was impossible. Your eyes began to twitch, your hands were fidgeting, and your knees were wobbling. You were kneeling on the floor, and let out silent screams as your tears streamed down your face.

The door swung open, and then there was a loud slam. Morpheus had left the room, leaving you alone in the bathroom, now it seemed like being locked up in the cell was better than being in his room. You lay on your side on the bathroom floor and just looked at the necklace gem he gave you. What was the point of giving you this necklace for future monsters if he acts like a monster to you? Your tears continued to stream down and they would hit the ground with a rhythm. As the room was silent, it broke when you heard a couple of scratches on the door, with a meow. It was the cat's return.

Your knees buckled as you tried to get up, but you pushed through and crawled to the door. Opening the door, the cat walked in and rubbed his head against your chest. A faint smile appeared on your face, "Hello Astro," you whispered while you pet its back, "You've returned." The cat looked at you and meowed, you got up from the floor with the cat in your arms. You leaned against the bathtub and began to talk as the cat purred, "Sometimes I wonder if being in the cell is better than his room. He's terrifying...But I must be with him, and I hate it. But I can't let Corinthian win."

"I can still hear his voice, Corinthian," you whispered to the cat. Looking at the room from your spot, you could see the aftermath of his anger. Your knees wobbled, there was dryness in your throat, and your stomach growled as you walked inside the room. Looking around, it was as if a large beast came into the room to destroy everything. You walked over to the nightstand to see a book with your name on it, you placed the cat on the bed and picked it up. Before you could open the book, the cat pounced on your arm, you turned around and asked, "What? It's just a book." Once more, you tried to open the book, but the cat jumped into your arms, making you drop the book. You took a mental note to check what's inside the book when the cat leaves. Your stomach continued to growl, and you could feel yourself getting weaker. The cat jumped to the bed and meowed for you. It continued to walk around the bed and it lay down on one side of the bed, you decided to lay on the bed next to the cat and pet it. The cat began to purr with its eyes closed and its tail swaying around. Trying to have a fun moment, your stomach ruined it as it growled again, "A pastry would be nice," you whispered, "Or just anything, I just want food." The cat laid by your stomach and laid its paw on it, you giggled softly as your eyes fought to continue being open. The fiasco left you tired, and because you haven't eaten in two days, you couldn't stay awake any longer. When Morpheus noticed you fell asleep, he got out of bed and returned to his human form. Morpheus knew you had to eat, and got frustrated with himself as he kept neglecting your basic human needs.

He opened the door and closed it softly as you lay on the bed. Walking down the hall, he began to grind his teeth and mutter to himself, this wouldn't have happened if Lucienne just kept to herself. Morpheus had to find something for you to eat, or else he wouldn't gain your trust again. By sheer luck, he found Matthew holding a basket with a blueberry muffin. Matthew went to the floor and said, "Lord Morpheus, is everything ok-" Morpheus kneels and grabs the muffin from Matthew's basket. 'This should be fine,' Morpheus thought to himself. Matthew tried to protest, but Morpheus just stared him down. He bows his head down, as Morpheus got up and walked back to his room. The muffin was filled with sweet blueberries and it was a small one, but enough for you. He was aware that if you ate more than a small muffin, your stomach would begin to hurt.

Morpheus didn't want to put you in more pain than right now. He had to make it up, but it's been a struggle. Morpheus was aware he would mess up, but it wouldn't have happened if people just stepped out of his way. He got to his room and opened it softly to see you stretching your body. Morpheus saw your face twist in fear as he came closer. You tried to get to the other side of the bed, but he grabbed your ankle before you could. "Let me go, Morpheus," you said in a quivering tone. Morpheus ignored your plea and showed you the muffin. The muffin scent was hypnotizing to you as you could smell the sweet berries, and the crust was golden brown. With hesitation, you grabbed the muffin from his hand and sniffed it. You prayed to the gods, he didn't poison it, so you took a small bite. The muffin tasted as if it was created by a bakery god, it melted in your mouth as the blueberries filled your nose.

However, as you took a long look at Morpheus' eyes, your stomach dropped. 'Wait,' you thought to yourself, 'The cat's eye color and his are the same. The cat's fur is black as his clothes. Morpheus didn't hear my stomach growl at all...But the cat did...' You stopped eating the muffin to Morpheus' surprise, as you continued to hurt your brain to make a connection. Morpheus gave you a cake after you talked about the cake to the cat, the cat would always come by to comfort you, the eye color, and the fur is the same as his clothes, and now the muffin. You threw the muffin to the wall and demanded, "Morpheus, are you the cat, or does the cat work for you?" Morpheus' eyes widened and his lips twitched for a second before returning to their stoic state. He walked over to the dropped muffin, picked it up with his body facing you, and said in a monotone voice, "What if, I am the cat?" 

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