On A Day...

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Warning: Graphic detail of the birth

Notes: The grand finale of the series! Time to meet the child. Also sorry for the long hiatus, I was recovering from surgery. Also, I made a meme compilation of this series, you can DM me for the link!

Word count: 4.5k

After the marriage was consummated and it was official, you were now queen of the dreaming realm. Morpheus had been in high spirits. He began to focus on his duties and build his kingdom to what it once was, before his absence. While he was busy with his duties as king, you were concentrating on your last months of pregnancy. You would be lying if you said the pregnancy was an easy walk to the park, rather, it was as if you were on a rollercoaster with no seatbelt on. Lucienne was afraid you weren't getting enough nutritious food, so she would constantly check up on you to see if you had eaten, and act like she was having a heart attack when you said no. Nevertheless, at least you had Matthew by your side; he was always ready to go on adventures with you, and go to the markets for blueberries. Even though he insisted he didn't eat half the basket of blueberries before going to the kitchen, you would occasionally go out with him. When you would appear outside the kingdom with Matthew, everyone would be staring at your stomach and whispering among themselves. Only a handful of citizens had the guts to go up to you and start a conversation. Most of the time, it would be just you and Matthew laughing. In fact, it was just a regular trip to the market when you began to feel pain. You were used to feeling the child kick, but this time it was a different kind of kick. Desperation for something to happen.

You were standing next to the farmer's fruit stall when you felt a sharp jab to your left, and then it turned into a dull pain in your lower back. Your grip on the fruit basket got tighter as you tried to control your breathing. Matthew was negotiating with the farmer about fruit prices until he turned to his left and saw you biting your lip as you began to take quick breaths. He immediately cawed and flew to your shoulder. "(Y/N)," Matthew said while trying to think of anything to help you, "Are you okay?" You shook your head and sweat beads began to form by your hairline as you tried to control your breathing. However, it would be in vain because the dull pain was getting stronger each minute. Matthew ruffled his feathers and flew to the farmer. "We're not over with fruit prices." He said, to which the farmer rolled his eyes. Matthew then flew over you and told you to go back to the kingdom as he went to go find Morpheus. Gathering your strength, you nodded your head and began to walk back to the kingdom as fast as you could. With each step you would take, you could feel the back pain becoming intense, as the sharp pain would jolt up your spine.

On your last legs, you finally made it to the kingdom entrance and swung the door open. Your breathing was getting shallow, and your sweat began to make your skin stick to the clothing. Still, you knew you had to warn Lucienne something was happening; however, due to the pain, you couldn't find the power to use your voice. Instead, you rushed to the chambers and tried to run to the bed. When you reached the edge of the mattress, you fell against it and began to scream. Your hands gripped the bed sheets as you tried to pull yourself up to get on the bed; however, the pain was becoming stronger than before. "Lucienne, help!" You screamed as your legs tried to push you onto the bed. "Mervyn, help. Please!" As your screaming and wailing echoed throughout the room, you finally pulled yourself together and landed on the bed. Your breathing continued to get shallow as your hands were wiping away the sweat from your face. Using your arms, you were able to crawl toward the headframe and take a short breather. You continued to scream for someone to help you, but no one was coming to help you. Your emotions began to swirl around as you found yourself in bed in agony, alone.

The empty feeling in your stomach was returning; the trembling of your hands was getting aggressive by the second, and your legs began to shake. It was as if you were alone in the cell again, that gut-wrenching emotion had returned, and you did not like it. That emotion you had tried so hard to make sure never returned, and you didn't want to relive those days of pure torture. But here you were, living it and can't escape from it. "Lucienne!" You screamed as you began to look around the room. "Someone help!" No one was there to help you, and you could feel the pain becoming powerful. Your back was lying against the pillows and your head against the bed frame as you looked up at the ceiling.

So, Mote, It Be | Dark! Morpheus x F! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now