Stranger Danger

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Warning: Mild sexual content, manipulation, and physical abuse

Notes: Now we get to meet Morpheus' iconic nightmare creation, Corinthian

Word count: 3.2k

The room was silent with only the candles flickering, and the blankets covering you as Morpheus stood up to walk away from the cell. After a successful day of your actions, Morpheus decided to award you for your good behavior. Another hour passed, and you opened your eyes, as you looked around, the cat was nowhere to be found. There was an empty pit in your heart after you didn't see the cat anywhere from the cell. It wasn't outside of the cell either, and it made your heart sink to the floor, you enjoyed those moments with the cat. 'Maybe, it'll return soon?' you thought to yourself. Getting up from the bed, your limbs were cracking and getting stretched as you yawned. For the first time, you were able to sleep correctly, and it was all thanks to the cat. While the cat wasn't always there for a long time, it gave you a warm feeling inside, and you couldn't help but smile all the time when you saw it. You sat on the bed again to hear a creak from the door, and footsteps going down the stairs. Your head turned to the right as you heard the footsteps come closer and closer.

Looking up from the floor, you saw the man keeping you imprisoned, Morpheus. There was an unusual feeling in your stomach as you looked at him, he was standing in front of the cage, looking at you as if you were some animal from a circus. The two of you locked eyes for a bit before you submitted and looked to the ground, you didn't see but Morpheus did his famous crooked smile as he saw that. The creak from the cell door made you look to your right again, and you saw Morpheus sticking his hand out. Raising your head, you asked, "What do you want me to do?" He looked at you and chuckled before his face turned serious. "What does it look like? I'm simply asking you to come with me." Alarms went off your head, why does he want you to follow him? Your heart began to race and your head felt light, but you pushed your anxiety down and placed your hand on top of his, slowly. Morpheus lifted you from the bed, and as you held hands, he took you up the staircase and he opened the door carefully.

The sudden light change stung your eyes, to the point you covered your eyes. Morpheus took notice and pulled you closer to him, shoulder to shoulder. The walk to his chamber was silent, you didn't even look around from the hallways, and he didn't say a word. All that could be heard were the footsteps and shallow breathing, as Morpheus kept a strong grip on your hand. You didn't dare say a word to him or even look at him until you two were facing a door. Looking to your left, he opened the door and it was a luxurious room. It was easy to tell the room belonged to Morpheus, as every inch of the room was black, with a hint of silver accents on the walls. Morpheus closed the door and led you to another room, it was a simple bathroom. The water was drawn with the bathtub filled with bubbles. You glanced at him, and he looked back.

"Strip for me, (Y/N)." Morpheus said in a calm voice, "I shall bathe you as a reward." You looked at him with a soft gaze and nodded your head. Naturally, you would've fought for privacy and set your foot down, you would never strip for anyone, however, you two were aware he had the power. Matthew's voice lingered in your head as you began to remove your clothes, to do what Morpheus wants. Ashamed of your nudity, you covered yourself, however, Morpheus grabbed your wrists to uncover yourself. As your face flushed, you looked at the ground, but then you heard the faintest word, "divine" escape from his mouth. Morpheus grabbed your left wrist and held on to it as you stepped inside the bathtub. The water was hot with bubbles covering your whole body, you kept looking to the side until he grabbed your jaw and turned it in his direction. "Look at me, (Y/N), be grateful I'm doing this to you," he said with his teeth grinding. Following his orders, you looked into his eyes, as he picked up a washcloth from the side, and began to scrub your shoulders. His eyes would wander around your shoulders, to your neck, your collarbone, and the top of your breasts. The feeling came back to your stomach, it was dreadful and you wanted the moment to end. However, a part of you wanted the moment to last longer, after all, when will you have your next bath?

So, Mote, It Be | Dark! Morpheus x F! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now