The Grovel

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Warning: Manipulation 

Notes: To grovel, or not to grovel. Ps. sorry for taking a hiatus, I had a mini burn-out (whoops.) 

Word count: 2.9k 

Your heart sank to the floor, as your eyes glared into Morpheus' eyes. The room felt cold as your skin created goosebumps, your spine was tingling, and your stomach was aching in pain. A thousand questions were prowling in your mind as you looked at the ground, was this man worth everything you fought for? Corinthian was his sworn enemy, and you fought him to be with Morpheus, assuming he was worse than Morpheus but they were on the same level. Your voice grew thin as you began to speak, "You're...the cat? I..." Your breathing became unsteady as your voice began to crack, losing it in the process. Morpheus took a step closer to you and placed the muffin in front of you. In anger, you grabbed the muffin and threw it across the room. "Take me back to the cell!" you screamed while trying to hold back your tears, "I demand you, Morpheus" Your screams echoed throughout the room but they unfazed Morpheus as he stood there, looking at you. With your head down, and your hands shaking on your lap, Morpheus sat next to you and said nothing. You couldn't even bear to look at him anymore, what other mind tricks has he done to you? For what reason?

You felt deceived and betrayed, the things you said to the cat were personal details that you didn't want anyone else to know. Searching for comfort, you wrapped your arms around yourself and closed your eyes but it did nothing. There was no comfort to be found, and it was useless trying to fight for it. Morpheus continued to look at you and study your reaction, his voice was smooth and emotionless, "I will not take you back to the cell, you belong here now." Finally, you looked at him with cold eyes and maintained eye contact with him. Your lip trembled as tears spilled down your face, Morpheus tried to dry them away with his hand, but you shifted your head away before he could touch you. "You are a liar, Morpheus," you spat with pure venom in your voice, "You are a monster. Now I know where Corinthian gets his personality. After all, you're his creator."

His body stiffened after you ended that sentence, his eyes widened, with his jaw and fists clenched. It was easy to know, Morpheus was holding everything in. Morpheus was aware if he was to lash out at you, then weeks of trying to coax you would be in vain. He was physically biting his tongue and began to take deep breaths, trying to choose his words carefully for he was aware of what power he has. "(Y/N)," he whispered in a quick tone, "I did what I had to do. I know what you're like, you wouldn't have trusted m-" You got up from the bed in a flash, your foot stomped the floor as your arms raised, and veins were throbbing from your neck. "You don't know me, Morpheus!" you screeched, your body shaking and you tried to take deep breaths, "Morpheus, you took the easy way out. Don't do that!"

Morpheus looked at you as you pressed your lips together and began playing with your hair. He kept a mental note to be careful with what he said because now you were a ticking time bomb. "Be realistic (Y/N)," he said with his eyes narrowing at you, "You wouldn't have trusted me, it was with good intentions." Your eyebrows raised as you began to laugh, and you began to point your finger in his direction. Morpheus looked at you confused, but then you responded, "Good intentions? Hell is filled with good intentions. Rot in it." Morpheus stood up and walked over to you. You looked at him with eyes that could freeze over Hell, as he looked at you in return. The tension was getting thicker every minute, and it was becoming unbearable for both of you. However, neither of you wanted to back down from this fight, you wanted to win, while he just wanted it to end.

Your right eye began to twitch to the point, it would shut by itself. Morpheus tried to touch your cheek, but you gripped his wrist that was near your cheek as tears began to fall down your face. You were embarrassed about how much you were crying for Morpheus, but you thought there was a chance of him changing for himself, and you. The standoff ended as Morpheus lowered his hand, and turned to walk away from the room. At last, you were able to let out your breath when you saw him close the door. The room was silent, so you lay on the bed to think, but too many thoughts were swirling around your brain. Laying on your stomach, you began to pound on the bed while screaming on the pillows, as your feet kicked around. Your throat was getting dry, and your screams turned into croaks, but you didn't care. Getting on your knees, you wiped your tears and threw the pillows across the room. "Liar," you screamed with your nails scratching your hot face, "Monster!" Your cries could be heard outside the room, but then they stopped.

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