Divulge the Mother

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Warning: Sexual content, mentions of stillbirth, and murder
Notes: Sorry for the late chapter, I was catching up with college work, and this was a long chapter to write
Word count: 4.6k

Morpheus looked at your sleeping body laying on him, and he was taking everything in. This was the only thing he ever wanted, a companion. Morpheus was aware of his behavior towards you for the last couple of weeks, and hoped with all he did was enough for you. He didn't care about what he wanted anymore; rather, it was what you wanted from the relationship. After laying in the bathtub, he decided to wake you up since the water was cold instead of warm. Morpheus tapped your shoulder and whispered your name to see you shift around. Your eyes fluttered open, and he could see the redness in your eyes from sleeping. "Come on, (Y/N), it's time we get out of the bathtub." He urged while helping you sit up. "We've been here for too long; the bathtub is cold." You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and stretched while nodding at what he was saying. Morpheus got out of the bathtub and held his hand out to help you get out, then he passed you a fresh towel before getting one for himself. You began to dry yourself but realized the clothes and your undergarments were still wet. Morpheus noticed this and said, "I have more clothes for you." Hearing this, you raised your eyebrows before saying okay. Morpheus led you to the room and motioned you to sit on the bed.

You lay on the bed while Morpheus was searching around his drawer for fresh clothes; his back was facing you, and you could see every crevice in his lean body. You parted your lips slightly and continued to gawk at his body, his towel around his waist, leaving little to no imagination on what you wanted to do. Your lip corner raised as you began to walk over to him, he paid no attention to you as he continued to search around. When you got behind him, you wrapped your arms around his waist and began to kiss his back all over the place. Morpheus stiffened his body when he felt your arms around his waist; however, he began to relax as he felt your kisses. His eyes closed as he sighed from the kisses, but then he gasped when he felt your hands getting lower from the waistline to hover your hand around his crotch area. Morpheus turned around to see you smiling cheekily; he grabbed your chin to make you look up and then began to press his lips against yours.

You began to walk backward as he was leading you to bed, his lips never leaving yours. He motioned you to lay on the bed when he broke the kiss. Laying on the bed, he placed his knee in between your thighs and began to kiss your neck as you wrapped your arms around him. Soft moans were echoing in the room as he began to go down from your neck to your collarbone. The warm pressure from his lips as his hands began to explore your body. His fingers softly touch your ribs to your waist and then your hips. You began to grind against his knee as he raised it higher against your crotch. He laid his head against your neck and began to breathe heavily, leading to soft moans. Your nails began to scratch his back, as your hips picked up the pace; however, it was cut short when you began to have nausea again. He immediately got off of you as you began to gag; he helped you sit up and rub your back as you tried to keep it under control. "(Y/N)," he said while getting up. "We should dress up. I'm taking you somewhere." You took deep breaths and then muttered an okay to him. Morpheus gave you another dress; it was a long gray-wrapped dress along with a black dress shawl. You changed into the dress, with Morpheus helping you put on your necklace. However, when you looked into the basket to find the rose, you couldn't find it. Your heart began to beat fast as your eyebrows furrowed. "Damn it," you said in a hushed tone. "I forgot the rose. I'm sorry." Morpheus looked at the basket and then at you, his face could tell how he felt, heartbroken. You muttered an apology until he said, "Don't worry, I'll have Matthew pick it up when we return." 

You walked over to him and patted his cheek to comfort him, then he embraced you in a hug. Leaving his room, Matthew flew over to you and asked where you were going. Morpheus explained to him that you've been feeling sick for the last couple of weeks, and you'll be traveling to see the brothers. Then he told Matthew that he wants him to go back to Fiddlers' Green to pick up the rose that you left near the river. However, despite Morpheus' disapproval, Matthew flew on top of your shoulder to tag along. Morpheus sighed, which led to you holding his hand; although he didn't say it, you could see it on his face, he felt better. After leaving the kingdom, Morpheus guided you down a pathway that was surrounded by trees and the weather shifted to fog. You walked closer to Morpheus as you looked around, the forest was quiet, but you still didn't feel at ease. Your grip got tighter with the dress shawl as you continued to dart your eyes around. Morpheus began to caress your thumb after seeing your distress. Your heart began to beat slower after feeling the touch of Morpheus and you began to relax little by little. After walking for almost 30 minutes, you could see two small wooden houses deep in the dirt with two men bickering while holding gardening tools. "Abel Cain," yelled Matthew, "Hello!" 

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