Hallow For Help

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Warning: SA, sexual content, non-con, physical abuse, & starvation

Notes: Morpheus is showing his sadistic side, be aware of the warnings!

Word count: 2.9k

Lucienne had her suspicions about what Morpheus was doing, she was in the library when Morpheus brought you in. She was organizing some books, when she overheard Morpheus talking to someone, Lucienne thought perhaps he was talking to Matthew but heard a woman's voice. She froze as she heard you beg for mercy, and a door shutting. Lucienne tried to ask for answers twice despite being turned down. She wanted her answers one way or another, but now she had her answers. Morpheus wrongfully locked you in, and she felt devastated. Returning from the waking realm, he has changed a lot, she always assumed it was just a phase and he would return to his strict yet respectful personality. However, he's gotten worse, it was like the waking realm awoke something in him. Something sinister, and disturbing. The Morpheus she knew, would give people chances and mercy, but not this Morpheus. No, this Morpheus was someone entirely different. Fear, that's all she felt for herself and the woman he has imprisoned.

When she heard footsteps going closer to the door she was eavesdropping in, she quickly walked to the corner, and hid behind it. She peered over making sure, she wasn't seen by him, and for the first time, she saw him without a coat. Lucienne raised her eyebrow and thought how strange it is to see Morpheus without his coat. 'Maybe he gave the woman his coat?' she thought to herself, 'It has to be, right?' Lucienne saw Morpheus turn a corner, and carefully she checked over that corner. Then he continued to walk far away, turning corners, so she used her knowledge of the layout of the kingdom to not be seen. Then, she saw Morpheus stand by a door, which she presumes is where the woman is being kept and placed his hand on the knob. It was for a second, but he removed his hand from the knob and left without a sight.

She took deep breaths and decided to walk up to the door, she checked left and right and saw Morpheus was gone. Her heels clicked softly, as she walked to the door and placed her hand on the knob. "Here goes nothing," she whispered to herself, her hands trembling as she began to turn the knob. Just as she was going to swing the door open, she felt a hand on her shoulder, shutting the door she turned around to see the familiar pumpkin-headed man, Mervyn. For a second, she felt her life flash before her eyes. Mervyn looked at her as she was doing multiple shallow breaths and looked at him with worry. "Is everything okay?" asked Mervyn, he was holding onto a book and handed it to her, "Sorry if I scared you, I just wanted to return the book you gave me." She looked at the book and nodded. Fixing her crooked glasses, she took the book and began to walk away. 'I need to go back there, somehow.' she pondered to herself, 'What if I get caught? Oh my, I hope not.' Her body was shaking as she walked to her library.

However, the familiar cold blue eyes were watching her figure walk away. Morpheus could feel his senses go off, as he was walking towards the door as if he was being followed. He knew it had to be Lucienne due to her pestering, and Morpheus knew he had to get her off his trail. Therefore, he deceived her by walking to another door, pretending to open that door, and then leaving. His plan had worked, and as he saw her open the door, she had been caught. Unfortunately, Lucienne wasn't aware of his watchful eyes looking at her as she was going to open the door, her anxiety stopped her from noticing them. Morpheus' body shook, and his hands clenched into fists as he saw Mervyn stop her from entering the door.

"Lucienne, oh Lucienne," Morpheus said, "What did I tell you? I deserve some privacy." He had thought of locking Lucienne up, as well. If she was to open the door, then he would've pushed her in and locked it forever, so she wouldn't destroy his plans with you. It breaks his rotten heart, that he will have to do that, soon, for his librarian can't keep her nose away from his business. Morpheus walked away from the hallway and decided to return to his throne room to continue reading your dreams.

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