"look at me baeabegrill"
I look up at his gorgeus dirty piss pool but has been bleached so its not dirty anymore blue orbs. I was left speacheless gazing at his unrivaled beuaty.
"do you want sometihing bbg?" he asked, seeming worried for me. I looked down immediatly so he wouldnt see me blushing. No one had ever been that worried about me. At home it was just me and Mother Triasha and she constantly called me stinky and smelly. She hated when I annoyed her so she payed people my age to be my "friends". And they also commented on my unpleasant scent.
"I-I-m a little thristy" I whispered quietly. "d-d-d-o you have w-w-water?"
"anything for you bahebegirl" he said in a soft smile, as he turned around and exited the basement.
My hands and feet were tied but not to the chair so i stood up and hopped around to look at the room closely but when I turned around to look at the chair, I saw that under a chair there was a picture. The picture was clearly laminated because it gleamed in the light that flooded in through the basement door.
I jumped to get closer and picked the picture up. It was a picture of justin timberlake's toes. I put it back and leaped around the matte black room until a minute passed and I got tired of bouncing around the room so I frolicked back.
"were you gamboling across the room" he asked in a question maner as his head popped in from the basement door.
"no i stayed in my seat the whole time"
He reached out and gave me water. "I know you like the ocean, so I put joe bidens tears in it to make it extra salty"
I started to smile but stopped myself. No one had cared about me that much before. I looked up to see him staring at my hazel orbs, then back down, blushing again.
"I have to let you go soon"
"w-what?" I whispered sadly "w-why what?"
"My lord and boss Justin Timberlake doesn't know you are here"
"y-you kidnapped me because you liked me?"
"n-no- I mean - um- i-"
"I-its o-ok" I blush and look down again.
"s-start packing your things" his head fell and he turned around quickly and sadly
"you kidnapepd me I didnt bring anything"
"oh right"
He left anyways, and left me in the dark matte black room alone with my mixed feelings, and before I knewe it, tears were storming down my ckeecks.

Ed Sheeran Epic Kidnap love story
RomantikEd sheeran kidnaps you...and as you stay with him... you start feelling This slice of life this very slicy of life very adventure is cool solly and goofy CREDIT FOR BEATUFUL BeatriZ PICTURE GOES TO BECOME A QUEEN MOBILE GAME obviously satire golly...